An intense week interbeing. .. experiential learning, though talk on the train to Bordeaux soon returned to second hand teachings with normal conversational patterns of throwing out references to various poets and teachers ... helpful to study, but the first hand experiences are the real learning ... Findhorn uses the same approach ... Plum feeling like a second spiritual home ...
At the station in Bordeaux it becomes clear that trains to Hendaye are fully booked ... helpful tourist info folks arm me with a map, and a wander to the centre of town and a tram takes me through the city and suburbs to suitable hitchhiking territory, where two people soon stop to apologise for only going a short way... some walking leads me to Eric's mobile fish and chip van La Manche et Ster ... a nice jeu de mot and a tasty stereotypical lunch ... more walking establish a new standing place, though no lifts until a friendly young aircraft technician takes me a few kilometres to a better place on a slip road to the motorway to Spain ... and after twenty minutes Lionel, a sales manager with Cadbury, stops and offers a lift to Biarritz. .. a swift ride with good conversation and after walking to the station, a few kilometres from the centre of the very expensive and pretentious town, thinking to continue to Hendaye ... the Auberge de Jeunesse intervenes ... time to slow down, shower, write a little ... plenty of time to enjoy a wander along the coast in the morning, collect pilgrim credentials in Hendaye, ready for Spain on Sunday ....