Tuesday, 26 November 2019
creativity at the edge ...
Sunday, 24 November 2019
Chaos ....
Sunday, 10 November 2019
Return of the Sun
After a wet week with little light to excite the solar panels, today sees the return of the Sun for most of the day ... yesterday's early show not lasting long, though enough to provide a wonderful early walk through the woods, watching leaves detach and flutter to the ground ... on the tops a good crop of Blewitts, frozen from the cold night and enough for friend's planned vegetarian lunch as well as several helpings here ...
Washing optimistically on the line in early sunshine, then off uphill for gorgeous five hour wander, almost like a day on the Camino and, without intermediate coffee stops, a fair physical test after the week's rest ...
Politics continues to polarise, with main event - to exit or remain in the EU - occasionally diverted into how much each party is planning to spend to bribe a gullible electorate. .. austerity apparently a thing of the past, not because of major improvements in the public finances, in fact without any apology for the suffering it caused over the last 9 years, as if this was nothing to do with the party asking for another term ... not much detail either on how the gross inequalities will be practically addressed by the main challenger or any party proposing radical measures like Basic Income to incentivise folks stuck in benefit dependency ...
Meanwhile Mossad's plot to conflate anti-Zionism and anti-semitism persists, with willing and well paid supporters inside JCs party continuing to punish the leadership for calling out the war crimes of current and recent Israeli governments ...
A relatively busy week ahead includes Assisted Shopping tomorrow and lunch trips to daughters Wednesday and Thursday, with added culture Thursday at Lumiere, an invitation to risk joining the crowds in Durham from a dear friend ... a birthday celebration, itself rather rare ...
As for long awaited book project, despite recent visit from the editor, progress is slow and motivation lacking ...
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Settled ...
More or less settled in Stanhope, though dreaming reality is taking a while to catch up, spending quite a lot of time walking in Spain, on the boat and so on ... possibly a result of the too swift return, albeit without airborne assistance ... the usual questions "when are you off again" and "where next" are met with the usual response ...
Dark nights and short days affect the rhythm, regular morning walks continue, rain or not, though organism treats an hour or so before breakfast as a brief interlude in a fairly sedentary week ... appreciated by feet especially ... meanwhile common cold squeezes past the immune system leaving a persistent cough lingering ... normal November phenomenon and organism only mildly put out ... two ignored emails from local surgery offering vaccination against flu yet to be discerned as wise or not, maybe just another run out for immune system, generally supported with fresh air, sunshine, decent diet and exercise ... and a question around whether the drugs undermine the immune system by telling it not to bother ... none of this speculation set out as advice for others, just an instinct the consequences of which will be accepted ... as with premature screening for cancers ...
A brief review of kit on Camino suggests pack could be lighter with one t-shirt and the spare trousers less, the metal water bottle excessive ... otherwise Deuter performed well enough, though lost his rain cover in Bodenaya ... some pilgrims suggested trail runners for the Way, though trusty Scarpas generally serve, except in very wet weather ...
New routes to explore include the San Salvador from Leon to Oviedo ... though increasing popularity of other routes makes them less appealing ... maybe time to try other countries?
Identification with the various roles in daily dramas scrutinised. .. emotional investment in them serving to confirm them as aspects of a real and substantial self ... desperately hanging on to redundant roles perhaps rather like the caterpillar in chrysalis form resisting its destiny and longing to be back munching cabbage leaves ... an apt example since the return from summer work party found optimistically planted winter greens stripped to the stalks ...
Tomorrow, a trip to the cinema with the elders ...
Sunday, 3 November 2019
5th anniversary ...
Today appears to be the 5th anniversary of the freedom experiment, though not of Wear & Dao the blog ... Wear & Dao the book still gestating though feeling like a winter project, as long as itchy feet and vitamin D loving skin allow ... rather dismal days since sunny Santander. .. still seasonal affective disorder fortunately not prevalent here, though several friends report it ... leading to question of whether mind drives the chemistry or vice versa ... or both together ...
Partisan party politics fills the media, entrenched opinions leading to a question of whether evidence supporting contrary views is ever considered ... long standing distaste for gross inequality pulls to the left, though even the Fabian Corbyn is not proposing higher level solutions of a transformation of consciousness to address planetary problems and individual mental health problems where psychopaths are rewarded for "wealth creation", "risk taking", and so on ... anyway, five year voting cycles make proposals of degrowth political suicide ... and perhaps continuing casino capitalism, where hedge fund folks make huge bets on market movements, movements themselves not separate from the bets or the gamblers, will crash the financial system again soon, since behaviours have hardly changed since the last time ...
Hard to say when or if freedom started and finished ... certainly the pilgrim walks have continued long after a house appeared ... anyway, it was a choice to buy it and the window of freedom from anything which didn't fit in the rucksack was a wonderful two years or so, an embodiment of the idea that less is more ... and the experience of liberation from stuff, not to mention self, means it may easily enough be done again ...