Monday, 23 December 2019

Come all ye faithful ...

The recent death of Ram Dass, popular guru of Eastern forms of spirituality, friend of Timothy Leary and fellow explorer of consciousness aided by LSD and student of Hinduism after joining the hippie trail to India in the sixties, raises the interesting question of faith, often referred to as Faith, and well known as a requirement in Christianity, and a great escape clause when atheists or agnostics ask tricky questions following rational routes to truth, often referred to as Truth ...

The quote attributed to him triggering this question decries scepticism, insisting Faith is essential access the transcendent realities ... Buddha, on the other hand, insists on questioning everything ... echoed by HHDL who is very clear that ancient teachings contradicted by scientific evidence must be discarded ...

Since it is Christmas time, in case you hadn't noticed, dear readers, there is a deeply held belief by many Christians around the world that Jesus was born at this time 2019 years ago to Mary a virgin married to Joseph who was not the father. .. now this story is quite tricky to follow without Faith and there are Christian theologians happy to explain it's all metaphor and not meant to be taken literally ... still the carols carry on, including at the local Community Christmas event, a heartwarming experience not so much for the carols or the deceased turkey but because the day itself really focuses on happy family gatherings, which is lovely if you are getting together happily with family and maybe miserable if not ... anyway 26 folks sat down to lunch in the Church Hall, some, but not all, signed up to the story ... peace and goodwill much talked about around much of the world and sometimes practised too, before hostilities resume in the run up to 2020 ...

Just to keep the polarised political pot bubbling, The Eton Mess is reported flying off by private plane to Mustique,  whilst Saint Jeremy feeds the homeless ... perhaps a little healthy scepticism required to process this story too ...

Happy Boxing Day ... the light slowly returning and a long walk planned to make up for yesterday's unusually sedentary, though satisfying, day ...

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Hypnosis ...

Reflecting on human behaviour, specifically in the context of the recent polarised political drama of the general election in the DUK, leads to serious concerns about how ostensibly sane, rational, compassionate human beings can come to contrary conclusions influencing the simple action of placing an X in a box, given an apparent choice of around four to seven alternatives, only two or three of whom have much chance of gaining a majority in a specific constituency and nationally only two representing parties likely to form a government (post-election coalitions being a potential complicating factor) ...

The trigger for this enquiry is the demonisation of the blue collar Tory voters in social media and some very spiteful comments questioning their intelligence... itself likely to entrench positions, since nobody likes to be called stupid ... the emotional outpouring from many of the disappointed Labour voters understandable given the raised expectations of a government offering the possibility of reigning in the worst excesses of post-capitalist callousness in social policy and practice, plus, for many, the opportunity to rerun the referendum on membership of the EU ...

A broader context for suggesting mass hypnosis is the irrational behaviours of humans through the ages ... killing fellow humans in individual acts of violence and in organised groups in wars, often justified by religious leaders espousing peace and love as preached and practised by their prophet ... at economic level obsessed with buying goods of limited practical or aesthetic value, eating and drinking chemical concoctions to such excess that the individual organisms become disabled by obesity whilst in other places children die of starvation ... clearly an insane society, yet many humans operate in civilised ways in their local areas ...

A quick comment here, before careering off into various realms suggesting hypnosis, to acknowledge self-reflection in case the very story you are reading, dear reader, is the product of a hypnotised mind ... or even a sinister attempt to hypnotize you! Those posing as purveyors of objective truth, smuggly offering a way out of the polarities are perhaps more dangerous than the demagogues like the Eton Mess ... observed here by a daily dose of BBC Radio 4 and their sophisticated style of interviewing politicos ... trying to force them to answer spurious questions whilst avoiding any semblance of deep investigation into facts ... for example, Saint Jeremy, the reluctant Messiah, consistent opponent of DUK membership of the EU as a backbencher, savaged for trying to appease his MPs, most of whom were for a second referendum ... and, his fatal weakness, failing to call out the Mossad Big Lie of Labour (and by implication JC) anti-semitism ... for fear of the fate of the disgraced MP Chris Williamson who dared to speak the truth ... reports from the doorsteps and local informants confirm perceptions of Corbyn as weak and lacking in charisma ... a word somehow linked here with mesmerism ... the Eton Mess had it in a shambolic way, his svengali Cummins a master amongst his minions, though needing the pupil  to project the strongman image to the masses with the simple message "Just Get It Done!" and instructed to avoid tricky questions which might expose his poor grasp of detail, let alone principles ...

An extra long treat over the fells today after yesterday's visit to Dear Friend and psychology adviser and tomorrow's trip to see Elder Daughter plus practical tasks Tuesday and Wednesday organising the community lunch event ... both, coincidentally, relocating to a more civilised country early next year, though not as a result of  the right turn in London or even the success of the charismatic SNP leader ... both in rural parts and ideal for new places to walk ... the organism enjoys moving in the outdoors and is never fitter than on Camino, walking for 8 to 10 hours day after day ... the joy of retirement to have time for the simple things in life ...

As for the hypnotism story ... more next time perhaps ... worth examining as the journey in search of The Nature of Reality continues ...

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Eton Mess ...

Given the choice between an elderly, thoughtful, compassionate politician and a bombastic, solipsistic, principle-free clown, the discerning electorate of the DUK appear to have opted for the latter ... a strange event with many fascinating causes ... locally the Labour MP, firebrand young leadership hopeful Laura Pidcock is replaced by an anonymous Tory from Lancashire, surprised as anyone by the result - his wife said to have fled from the counting hall in tears at the prospect of having to move to the constituency - brief reports from reluctant turncoats suggest the years of anti-Corbyn propaganda were more critical than the EU exit in influencing the vote, echoed nationally ... which is not to say the Eton educated winner was universally liked, his bumbling bombast attractive only to a portion of the voters, for most it seems to have been a question of the best of a bad lot ...

Meanwhile, local elections loom in May and complacent Labour administrations in ex-industrial areas may be worried that, having broken the habit of unthinking loyalty, voters might challenge them at County Hall ... though a lack of a respectable opposition party could be a factor .... maybe a time for the Greens or even independents trying to transcend party politics? Or, as reported by the editor, long-time Labour councillors jumping ship to rebrand as independents, in this case in Sedgefield, famous as the constituency of Blair, three time election winner under the New Labour label and given a free pass in the mainstream media to pontificate on the next leader of the opposition ... no mention of his reputation internationally as a war criminal and close ally of the BSA as the plan to restructure the Middle East played out ... the consequences of which are all to evident ... refugees, radicalised young Muslims, ongoing aggression against Iran ...

Apologies to readers appalled at the return of Wear & Dao to the murky world of politics, previously avoided in favour of broader perspectives. .. happy to report however that, having broken the habit of decades and casting a vote, conscience whispering the possibility of one vote leading to the victory of the forces of darkness consolidating power, reaction on waking to the news early last Friday was surprise but not devastating disappointment ... analytical mind looked closely at the numbers for a nuanced view beyond the apparent landslide narrative from the first past the post electoral system ... perspective suggesting that maybe it's best that the shameless instigator of the EU referendum result takes responsibility for the tricky details of implementation ... not least the contradiction between trade deals for goods and those for services, especially financial services, mostly a euphemism for the casino capitalism rampant in the City State of London ... where, incidentally, the reputation of the Eton Mess, two term Mayor of London, is quite low according to recent informants ...

Some spiritual relief found on two day retreat at Land of Joy ... not meditating but working in the woodland, planting trees and waging war on invasive Rhodedenron. .. not without some questioning about human assertion of dominance over Nature ... two small orphans rescued for planting in the small garden at Railway Terrace, let's see how they settle in amongst the roses and dandelions. .. to be honest the visits to LoJ are mostly in search of philosophers, resident and visiting to help process the current musings ... and reading, the latest challenge Sapolsky's tome on neuroscience, biology, psychology and the rest ... as recommended by James of Scotland in the comments on here a while ago ... he's a scientist and wired for this stuff, rewiring to integrate new information is an ongoing struggle here, but not without compensation of course ...some disquiet at the source of the findings - vivisection with rats, monkeys and other warm blooded sentient beings ... a little scepticism as biological determinism lurks in the background ... still, plenty more pages to ponder before seeing how and whether the new information fits into current evolving world-view ...

Early starts in the dark and intermittent dank weather offer time for reading and writing, though long awaited book is still stuck in the head, or wherever thoughts and ideas reside ... discipline never a strong point, external usually actively resisted, internal barely present ... never mind, better to do little contentedly than rush about in search of people and their aggregates, societies, to improve ... perhaps ...

Monday, 9 December 2019

DUK decision time ...

Excitement mounts in the Disunited Kingdom as divisions widen and the opportunity to imagine we may exercise power by casting a vote in a rigged game approaches ... media report lies as balance for the other side's truth, or lies blatantly and when exposed apologises in small print ... here in the Labour stronghold of NW Durham large sums of money are spent using the Royal Mail to deliver propaganda, itself feeling like a breach of privacy ... the Tories so far sending seven separate leaflets as they target Labour Brexiteers,  only one introducing the absentee would-be MP, the rest pretending to be something else, the evidence of provenance only in the small print at the bottom ...

Factor in the social media manipulation and it appears we have the best democracy money can buy ... indeed the old anarchist slogan, Don't Vote, it only encourages them, seems relevant and maybe the polarisation is deliberate, to ensure opting out of the rigged game doesn't become so widespread as to destroy the illusion of its validity ...

Equanimity mostly holds, though clearly the idea of Trump junior returned to the seat of political power appals. .. opinion polls, banned in other democracies for their influence on the outcome whilst pretending objectivity, suggest DUK may move closer to BSA. .. a toxic alliance culturally, politically and militarily ...

Still, who knows how all the dramas play out when longer term a step change in human consciousness itself is required? As Saint Greta keeps telling us on her amazing voyage around the world popping up in the most important forums (fora?), The House is on Fire ... perhaps the greatest polarised choice we are currently offered to press our buttons is between Trump and Greta rather than the local game between Boris and Corbyn ( the persistent use of first name for the former and surname of the latter surely not accidental?) ...

All this holier than thou speculation isn't meant to dismiss the very painful consequences of political decisions, not least the one on Thursday ... though perspective suggests that whatever the outcome compassion must prevail ... eventually ...

On the personal front, the project to engage with other humans sees three visitors on consecutive days, an unusual occurrence. .. and another tomorrow after today's trip to the pantomime with the elders ... just driving though, Jack and the Beanstalk far to scary, with that nasty giant, or was it an ogre? ... memory itself a subject for investigation, especially after the visit of a childhood friend with much sharper memories from our shared experience in Verwood ... whether it's incipient Alzheimer's, a more varied life with more memories to file away or whatever, certainly not storied as a problem ... in a life and a world where language and stories may morph into myths and hang around as thought forms, even become reality, examining old stories for contemporary relevance and telling new ones to help birth better worlds seems worth a try, for the benefit of the storyteller and the whole, of which he is just a tiny part ... or, as the ego imagines, the centre of the universe ... current examples perhaps the narcissists mentioned above ...

Year and decade end approaches, plans laid for Land of Joy woodland work this weekend, village community Christmas (capital C a compassionate concession to readers invested in the other JC), New Year at Brockwood Park plus the July work week there and maybe a dialogue week in February too ... as for more Caminos ... let's see!

Monday, 2 December 2019

Osel la

Attentive readers may remember the story of Osel from August 2018's post ... the reincarnation of Lama Yeshe, his rejection of guru status, reconciliation with his roots ...

His visit to the nearby Land of Joy therefore seemed an opportunity to fill out the story ... so, on Sunday, a bright and frosty first day of December, the gompa was filled with 50 folks eager to hear from him ... and his contemporary message ...

His entrance was preceded by many repetitions of the magical mantra Om Mani Padme Hum, a mantra practiced by the writer some years ago ... Osel arrived, performed prostrations to the images of Buddha, HHDL, Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa, greeted the audience with a smile and investigated questions from the floor ...including the whole question of gurus and specifically a question from a young woman as to what one should do if the Guru's actions are out of sync with the instinct of the devotee ... a very pertinent question given the cases of errant gurus exploiting disciples in all traditions ... in the context of the gompa filled with folks mostly adhering to the guru system, Osel worked round it, declining any guru status for himself and clearly stating that he sides with the victim in such cases ... the broader and blunter question of the shared responsibility of the consequences of giving over our power and following an allegedly enlightened human stayed as a thought best not expressed ... the return of the temporarily transcended ego, encouraged by eager acolytes, being a trap for unwary teachers and students alike ...

Anyway, the very personable Osel seemed clear enough about being cautious of the Guru system, but somehow the early conditioning in the monastery pertains and the afternoon talk concluded with a recitation of a long life prayer for Osel and a long queue of eager fans seeking a traditional white scarf blessing, inferring Lama status previously rejected ...

If all this sounds cynical, it's not ... sceptical yes ... and all to be explored with the open minded staff at Land of Joy later in the month during woodland working week ...