One of the delusions developed along the parallel universe of the Camino, glimpsing the political pantomimes from the unlikely leader of the free world, the DUK EU fiasco and other stories on televisions in the bars where coffee, rest and writing of the blog took place, was that all the world is indeed a stage and that Cosmic Screenwriters were having a grand time ramping up the credulity levels ... in order to further relax your discriminating mind in its search for some pattern which may resonate for a while, let's call it Fantasy Fiction ...
Fine ... so a simple reality, shared with other animals, is to be in Nature as Nature, eating, excreting, fighting or fleeing, reproducing ... communication is without words, yet there is communication ... then language evolves and humans become of aware of a self separate from each other and separate from Nature, the Unity, where everything connects with everything else, beautifully modelled in Indra's Net and received as revelation some years ago, a few hours into a walk over the fells, when thinking stopped briefly ...
Story-telling reality appears with the separation and languages. It takes a while to evolve from oral transmission to written, by which time stories have become myths and taken on a life of their own. Told and retold, written and edited, story tellers and powerful humans develop all sorts of fascinating realities ... social pressure, hypnotic techniques, praise and punishment, all embed the truth of the stories ... until folks arrive from a different culture, with different stories and different realities. Culture clash awakens some to question whether either reality has substance, but mostly is resolved with the more powerful reality imposing itself, often brutally. More insidiously this mechanism continues ... as knowledge increases, consensus reality appears to settle for a while, but changes subtly with pluralistic realities entertained, confirmation bias builds a worldview until the story becomes untenable and a new one emerges ...
Meanwhile, Jude Currivan, eminently qualified physicist, cosmologist, archaeologist proposes an expanding universe with all the information in two dimensions at the edge, projected holographically to produce the world ... worth a look, very entertaining and holding her views lightly and seriously simultaneously. ..
This current fast breaking story, told in various forms across the interconnected world, mainstream version based on fear which brings humans with roles into play in fear of failure mode ... never a good look ... old genres of war not helping ... misguided attempt to achieve immortality in this incarnation comes to a head, death "toll" statistics reeled off as if they know, though underlying illnesses will take the credit if this one was not available. If half a million people pass on this year in UK and current deaths account for less than 800, without any way to know how many of those would have died of something else sooner rather than later ... how is all the misery engendered by isolation justifiable?
Not normally a fan of the House of Lords, but the retired Chief Justice, philosopher, author, Lord Sumption goes on air to lambast the slide to despotism ... not from above as much as demanded by a frightened population.
Sun shines on and off, health promoting vitamin D freely available, government sanctioned, police enforced, citizen encouraged house arrest is enforced ... for those willing to submit ...