Monday, 25 May 2020

Corporations in the frame ...

Blog neglected again as FB takes precedence ... some readers manage both, if not here's your update ... and acknowledgements that Wear&Dao has its role, maybe deserving more attention. Anyway, you get the juicier bits here ... FB is finely calibrated to play a particular role.

Curiosity continues to energise the organism, Tia promotes overall performance, Rudi regulates central operating system, upgrading Left Brain capacity ... all good. Taken as a test, since resistance to medical model of health long espoused, not worth much without experience.

So much to explore in this exciting, complex pandrama. .. well, almost pan, some more traditional societies and countries skipping the mayhem, along with the unending, inflated, fear-mongering numbers of Covid19 "victims". Language is not neutral, as explained before ... there are worlds as experienced, then there are worlds as agreed by humans, through language ... consensus realities. Language evolves through speech, symbols, pictures, ideograms or letters. Letters form words, words form sentences, sometimes for life, sometimes as Spells to enchant us ... spell casters hold Power over the rest of us ... it was always thus ... this time we call it subliminal messaging, long known by purveyors of products not needed by the purchaser, but the transaction essential to sustain a corrupt stage of capitalism ... and built in to this decadent stage is a magic legal form, the Corporation: An entity with all the rights of a human being, but no soul. Whatever that is.
Growing like any cancer, consuming its host, the Corporation transcends Nation States and holds Money, whatever that is, in such obscene amounts that Governments' budgets are dwarfed, politicians corrupted along with the rest of us, even aggregates of nations corrupted too, EU, WHO and so on ... major players, for the Light or Dark, appear as gods and goddesses ... and mythology arises as a special kind of story ... too often settling into cults and other religious fixed forms, in defiance of the very essence of Reality ... comforting though ...

Meanwhile, as the Empire of the USA decays, the next arises ... China. Russia wants to play too, and may yet have a bigger role. Our cousins across the water exhibit a kind of schizophrenia. .. huge intelligence of a kind, notably in IT, based in Silicon Valley where Aspergers is said to be the new normal ... despite locating so many mansions, offices and data banks so close to the inevitable site of a disaster reserved for the USA as the San Andreas Fault lets rip. Of course consequent devastation can't fail to impact this interconnected world ... Pacific Ocean already polluted from Fukushima on the other side ... whilst Rednecks exhibit a less sophisticated style of stupidity, or stupefaction, modelled by the unlikely President ... and whose Democratic Party opponent offers an uninspiring choice ... that's Democracy for you folks!

Daily briefings from the shower running Covid19 Central, UK Branch, is skipped altogether, for the sake of sanity. All is not as it first appears, or second or third. In perspective it is untenable, and if discretion is necessary, compliance certainly is not. Anyway, the top-rated Durham Constabulary, having worked assiduously to rebuild some credibility amongst the miners in the martial law of 84-5, are mightily miffed at being called liars by a serial lying, principle-free, narcissistic PM, Svengali puppet master and second-rate Cabinet ... hardly incentivised to enforce orders from those cheerfully excusing Mr C ... the Resistance grows ... locals are angry and agree they are now at liberty to act according to their own moral, ethical judgement ...
Which may possibly have been in the plan all along.

On the fells birds are nesting noisily, frantically distracting innocent walkers ... May such a contingent month, as indecisive previous PM, indecisive weather to be late winter, early summer or just a normal spring. Garden looking good anyway, in a Natural kind of way, left alone to see what happens as food arrives unbidden ... dandelions, shared with bees, ground elder a lush alternative to lawn, bulbs from previous years ... now a little creative energy imagines a rockery, a tiny beach to complement the parasol needed to shade the skin these sunny days ... some seeds to sow, optimum time for outdoors at this latitude and altitude ...

An innovation in the bedroom arrives from Rowland Earthing, a simple organic cotton sheet with silver thread, connected to the ground via the earthing wire, itself not live, of course. The idea suggests rubber soles on shoes prevent the body's connection to unlimited free electrons, everywhere in the universe(s) ... FB marketing attracts much derision from cynics, a clear incentive for a stubborn sceptic ... does it work? How to measure? Sleep noticeably longer and deeper, though not seen as problematic before ... but certainly short and sweet what with the huge energy increase and consequent brain upgrade as described above.

Chris Larcombe cracks on with holoweb, his gift to the Light, designing out domination by anyone.
Other heroes for you to research if you can be bothered include: Professor Dolores Cahill, Lord Jonathon Sumption, Dr Vernon Coleman ...

No vast conspiracy theory required, but many Gods and Goddesses dabbling in the dark as well as the Light.

Question Everything. Follow the Money. Mind Your Blindspots. Be Kind.

Time to lie down.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Freedoms bestowed ...

Having scared everyone shitless, in the immortal words of Tory MP anon, the problem of our dynamic leaders is how to persuade the terrified populace to get back to work, before we realise that money itself is not real.

Radical plans for taxation floated, mostly accepting more flogging of the poor won't work and perhaps greed really did go too far. Inequality corrosive. This from FT Weekend, which the rich folks read.

Blog takes a back seat as Facebook is more interactive, faster, and has more reach. It's an art to write without people taking offence, and since I cultivate a broad spectrum quite fun to see folks rehearsing familiar tales.

Editor suggests a debate on post-crisis opportunities, though blog is not the platform ... FB neither.
A wiki is proposed, so a group can build together. If anyone can be bothered. Watch this space.

Current thesis is that conspiracy theories are not required, though conspiracy is about, as always. Follow the money a useful tool too.

Let's see if it's not one thing, but everything. Previous normal having reached its sell by date.
Competing interests will have their say. Why not us? Based on Think Global, Act Local.
Watch this space.

Meanwhile on the Tia front, this fascinating chance to trust the immune system continues. Tia has been promoted to oversee the system, replaced by RUDI, or Radical Ugrade Dowload Incidents. Usual symptoms pop up without pain or concern. Meanwhile, Harry, the hernia, is still quite small, slipping back into itself place at night, slipping out in the morning. Let's see if we can manage without drugs. Those likely to be offered seem to have side effects.
A volunteer retired nurse offers advice. Including to see a doctor!

A trip to see a daughter next week eagerly anticipated, a new freedom. Along with drive-thru McShite burgers, part of the problem of compromised immune systems. That's freedom. ..

Monday, 11 May 2020

A kind of gaslighting ...

You may have heard of Gaslighting. Even experienced it.
It happens at all levels, though mostly known in abusive relationships between two humans.
Cults practise it. The Once True Faith, for example.
The method is to start in a consensual version of reality. Please note, these vary widely.
We are far from Ultimate Reality. ..whatever that is.

In Covid 19 reality the consensus was consistent, more or less, across the uberconnected world.
WHO maybe holding the centre in health terms.
Best to speak of UK version, since that's the one experienced here.
After a brief flirtation with Natural Immunity, Community Immunity or, crucially, Herd Immunity, the PM and his Svengali, were forced to retrench.
Herd is the technical term, but sounds cold and clinical. People don't want to be called a herd.
Tories not well known for compassion, public schoolboys tend to have it beaten out of them.

The media love a controversy. No editor wants a fluffy bunny story. Or only for a little balance anyway.

Draconian measures were required. Martial Law. Lord Sumption warned of slide to a Police State.

The gaslight went very dim in one go ...

PM and advisor retreated to near martyrdom, long enough to escape the mayhem, as hapless ministers floundered. Handcock, Raab, Patel ... only the Chancellor sounding on his brief, maybe. Others authoritarian, compromised, deferring to compromised scientific advisors, notably Ferguson, now shifted offstage.

PM returned, recently. Bringer of freedom. Hooray! VE Day!

Gaslight goes up a touch. We are grateful, though many fearful ones resist. "We scared them shitless" in the immortal words of unnamed Tory MP.

PM and subliminal messengers plan a gradual return to normality by October.
Will we remember how that looked in March?
Could we instead move outdoors beyond the gaslight?
Climb to the sunlight uplands?
Higher, deeper, clearer still?

Outdoor exercise is unrestricted now, thanks to our gracious leader.
We are grateful. Doubtless another warm spell will arrive before Autumn returns.
Freedom is not conditional.
Resistance is the duty of a free person.

Stanhope continues to exhibit the very best of humanity.

Also, sometimes, the worst. Scrawled signs go up advising "Visitors Not Welcome", Resistance turns them round. Nobody is shot. Some peaceful country folk seem to forget that they go to the City for emergency treatment, and not only that virus. That's where the Visitors live. Where the Covid threat is greater. That's why they come here for respite. Let's hope they don't reciprocate.

Nature flourishes despite the drought. It's not the Sahara here.

VE Day went well. Popped in to a street party in a village back street. Some bunting, tea, scones, wine, convivial chat ... at 2 metres, more or less.

Risky haircut before that, on Wesak, proper Buddhist look.

Stay alert. Question everything. Be kind.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Turning point ...

Well, we are fast approaching a very propitious long weekend.

Full moon already looking quite full and will linger throughout. .. if you're into it, that itself will create change ... the Sun energy is more my thing, but Moon reflects that and moves the waters of the world ... tides and also human tides ... how could it be otherwise since the body is mostly water, the female cycle is not by calendar month, but lunar.

Wesak, in the Buddhist cycle, tunes into lunar time. This year it's Thursday,  as the Full Moon. Buddhist tradition marks three anniversaries in one auspicious day. Gautama has his birthday, enlightenment, and death day rolled together. Whilst not signed up to the ism, I love the philosophy, psychology, cosmology ... the religious forms are not required, secular Buddhism is quite respectable, and at the deepest level, revering Buddha is not the point at all, but to realise our own Buddha Nature. To properly mark the occasion, some hair dressing equipment was sourced ... now just to find someone skilled enough to use them ...

Friday is VE Day.

Time for reflection on the sacrifices from all sides. The massive casualties taken by , the Soviets, breaking the back of the Axis armies on the Eastern Front, giving the Allied Forces a chance to return to France for the first time since Dunkirk. In the meantime the Resistance movements in occupied countries, supported by UK resources and personnel, chipped away at the Nazis, and provoked atrocities to undermine support, through terror. In Germany itself, anti-fascists stepped up and gave their lives. Let's see how the day plays out. At 9 pm, Dame Vera Lyn sings the very uplifting "We'll Meet Again" ... and if folks really listen to the words, then fear of death may lift.

Over all of this is the waning of the great disease, already longer than its natural term, thanks to governmental meddling, inspired by seriously mistaken modelling from Ferguson ... even today, after being forced out of the limelight due to some minor transgression of the measures inspired by his dodgy theory, defended by all with fingerprints on the mess, a simple sexual urge undoes him. An irony indeed, but rather sinister that the BBC, already suffering a drastic drop in confidence from any serious investigator, focuses on the sex and avoids the egregious error which drove the cruel house arrest of the elderly and vulnerable ..

A few days of glorious weather before the traditional Bank Holiday wet day on Saturday. Meanwhile the walking is wonderful. Wild geese join the rest of the birds high on the fell.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

A letter to a friend ...

Dear J....

I was thinking of writing to you privately, but these stories take so long to dream, consider, write on one channel, transfer to an incompatible alternative channel, and so quick to read, it seemed worth begging your indulgence and sharing it with the tiny portion of the world actually following this stuff. You were in at the beginning and mostly all along the way. That's a select bunch of maybe four I know of ... anyway, as often said before, it's not written for others, but for me. An aid to memory in case the Alzheimer's arrives.

And, as discovered along the Ways, there are no others anyway ... later corroborated by a sage called Nisargadatta ... though not proven through verifiable, scientific, objective means. This work is subjective ... a true investigation of the psyche is inner work.

As you know this brain is not well wired for science. Rather unbalanced in favour of the right side, not the left. A small irony, politically, you might say! I rely on scientific friends to help.
Polymaths balance better, though it seems impossible, these days, to find anyone who knows everything about everything. Imagine that!

Einstein knew a lot about science. He said e=mc squared.  That's famous. Some people even understand it. He is said to have said: the intuition brought the idea in whole, I spent decades examining it before revealing the simplest possible (but no simpler) equation to express it.
I have no clue. That mass may be energy condensed is enough for me, for now. All is energy.
Still, that's the zero point field, ground of being, that which is not to be described or whatever you want to call it. Tao ... or Dao ...

You say I am prone to overthinking. Which may itself be overthinking. There is plenty of time and solitude along the Ways for thinking. It's an inner journey at best. I don't much care for Santiago de Compostela itself. And even that's not the destination. Finnisterre is the end of the Earth. Unless you have a boat. The point is to slow the thinking. Examine each thought carefully, compassionately,  see if it is worth keeping. Walt Whitman, a mystic, advised: Examine everything you have been taught, at home and school. Reject everything that insults your soul.

Which is to say, get rid of the rubbish before adding new information. Otherwise the new is tainted by the known.

Let's leave it there for now. Other stories are waiting to be born. Time is short.
The crisis is pregnant with possibilities.
Fear based solutions can't turn out well.
Love and clear thinking are needed more than ever now.

Your friend, as ever,

Friday, 1 May 2020

May Day

First greeting before dawn is Happy Beltane. Some pagan festival apparently.

Second, a little later, is Happy May Day ... International Workers' Day ... once celebrated exuberantly in London with the comrades. Marches to Trafalgar Square with the many shades of red available ... we reckoned ourselves the purest, albeit rather small. Official recognition from Albania after Enver had fallen out with China. Evening rallies with speeches from the leaders, music from the Peoples' Cultural Association ... a quite famous composer was on the Central Committee,  Cornelius Cardew. Killed by a hit and run driver one snowy night in East London.

Exciting times. We even had a few working class militants, health workers, a foundry worker from Fords, a bus driver ... mostly entryists. Preparing the workers for the revolution. We did our best, but the great unwashed were diverted by material things. Happy for the odd strike to lighten up their lives and upset the managers, but one day was enough. They got very nervous if we went past the first week's wages. The miners held out for a year. Heroic. They knew this was the big one.

Another world. I see the comrades once a year at the Miners' Gala in Durham. A great celebration of their history. No pits left now. Will it be on this year?  Will Keir be invited? He has the name for it, but maybe not the politics.

I mix more with Beltane types these days, though that's not really my thing. Mind, I'm not averse to some tree hugging and wandering in Nature, just not really into the rituals.

The warrior archetype has revived recently in the service of the Resistance. More blogging and Facebook rabble rousing ... plus engaging with locals to encourage dissent. Amazing how the fear has taken hold. It's the masses demanding more repressive measures now. Not clear how long the government can keep it running or how they can stop it ... it seems as if the genie is out of the bottle. Still, it will stop. Let's see how the people react when they see they have been had. Nuremberg Trial mark 2 anyone?

Well, the Resistance is fairly relaxed these days. .. it's not a War after all.
Irony free V.E. Day coming up and Poppies in November. Portugal maybe?