Blog neglected again as FB takes precedence ... some readers manage both, if not here's your update ... and acknowledgements that Wear&Dao has its role, maybe deserving more attention. Anyway, you get the juicier bits here ... FB is finely calibrated to play a particular role.
Curiosity continues to energise the organism, Tia promotes overall performance, Rudi regulates central operating system, upgrading Left Brain capacity ... all good. Taken as a test, since resistance to medical model of health long espoused, not worth much without experience.
So much to explore in this exciting, complex pandrama. .. well, almost pan, some more traditional societies and countries skipping the mayhem, along with the unending, inflated, fear-mongering numbers of Covid19 "victims". Language is not neutral, as explained before ... there are worlds as experienced, then there are worlds as agreed by humans, through language ... consensus realities. Language evolves through speech, symbols, pictures, ideograms or letters. Letters form words, words form sentences, sometimes for life, sometimes as Spells to enchant us ... spell casters hold Power over the rest of us ... it was always thus ... this time we call it subliminal messaging, long known by purveyors of products not needed by the purchaser, but the transaction essential to sustain a corrupt stage of capitalism ... and built in to this decadent stage is a magic legal form, the Corporation: An entity with all the rights of a human being, but no soul. Whatever that is.
Growing like any cancer, consuming its host, the Corporation transcends Nation States and holds Money, whatever that is, in such obscene amounts that Governments' budgets are dwarfed, politicians corrupted along with the rest of us, even aggregates of nations corrupted too, EU, WHO and so on ... major players, for the Light or Dark, appear as gods and goddesses ... and mythology arises as a special kind of story ... too often settling into cults and other religious fixed forms, in defiance of the very essence of Reality ... comforting though ...
Meanwhile, as the Empire of the USA decays, the next arises ... China. Russia wants to play too, and may yet have a bigger role. Our cousins across the water exhibit a kind of schizophrenia. .. huge intelligence of a kind, notably in IT, based in Silicon Valley where Aspergers is said to be the new normal ... despite locating so many mansions, offices and data banks so close to the inevitable site of a disaster reserved for the USA as the San Andreas Fault lets rip. Of course consequent devastation can't fail to impact this interconnected world ... Pacific Ocean already polluted from Fukushima on the other side ... whilst Rednecks exhibit a less sophisticated style of stupidity, or stupefaction, modelled by the unlikely President ... and whose Democratic Party opponent offers an uninspiring choice ... that's Democracy for you folks!
Daily briefings from the shower running Covid19 Central, UK Branch, is skipped altogether, for the sake of sanity. All is not as it first appears, or second or third. In perspective it is untenable, and if discretion is necessary, compliance certainly is not. Anyway, the top-rated Durham Constabulary, having worked assiduously to rebuild some credibility amongst the miners in the martial law of 84-5, are mightily miffed at being called liars by a serial lying, principle-free, narcissistic PM, Svengali puppet master and second-rate Cabinet ... hardly incentivised to enforce orders from those cheerfully excusing Mr C ... the Resistance grows ... locals are angry and agree they are now at liberty to act according to their own moral, ethical judgement ...
Which may possibly have been in the plan all along.
On the fells birds are nesting noisily, frantically distracting innocent walkers ... May such a contingent month, as indecisive previous PM, indecisive weather to be late winter, early summer or just a normal spring. Garden looking good anyway, in a Natural kind of way, left alone to see what happens as food arrives unbidden ... dandelions, shared with bees, ground elder a lush alternative to lawn, bulbs from previous years ... now a little creative energy imagines a rockery, a tiny beach to complement the parasol needed to shade the skin these sunny days ... some seeds to sow, optimum time for outdoors at this latitude and altitude ...
An innovation in the bedroom arrives from Rowland Earthing, a simple organic cotton sheet with silver thread, connected to the ground via the earthing wire, itself not live, of course. The idea suggests rubber soles on shoes prevent the body's connection to unlimited free electrons, everywhere in the universe(s) ... FB marketing attracts much derision from cynics, a clear incentive for a stubborn sceptic ... does it work? How to measure? Sleep noticeably longer and deeper, though not seen as problematic before ... but certainly short and sweet what with the huge energy increase and consequent brain upgrade as described above.
Chris Larcombe cracks on with holoweb, his gift to the Light, designing out domination by anyone.
Other heroes for you to research if you can be bothered include: Professor Dolores Cahill, Lord Jonathon Sumption, Dr Vernon Coleman ...
No vast conspiracy theory required, but many Gods and Goddesses dabbling in the dark as well as the Light.
Question Everything. Follow the Money. Mind Your Blindspots. Be Kind.
Time to lie down.