The year turns once more, 69th so far this time round ... assuming Time, of course.
Things turn weirder too somehow, assuming things in Space ... Reality itself in question, lightly, offers radically relative realities with which to play; language as words assembled in sentences assigned consensual meaning, lose validity, even when forensically selected, to construct a Reality foolishly excluding the one who sees ... an objectivity at deeper levels found wanting, though holding sway for mere centuries and making magic, logically ... called Newtonian, a wonderful concoction of scientific stuff, explaining and constraining simultaneously. .. humanity at its marvellous best, improving lives for many, materially, whilst enabling depraved aspects of ourselves free reign to murder each "other" at industrial scale, globally ... even as our brighter parts saw a broader view at microscopic scale called Quantum, which made no sense yet produced lethal toys with which our darker side, let loose in War, justified decimation of whole cities, twice.
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change", said Max Planck ..."Shut up and calculate" retorted Nils Bohr, frustrated by the mystery, driven by possibility, albeit value free ... "I am become a destroyer of worlds" said Robert Oppenheimer, an evil genius, suppressing the work of enlightened genius David Bohm, determined to combine science and ethics, insight and compassion, the objective and subjective, to fill out some detail and raise the frequency of this species and its split personality, having arrogantly separated from Nature itself ... perhaps the Original Sin in the Garden some time ago ... assuming Time, of course!
Hope this helps, as cheerful optimists are wont to say ... though such words as easily confuse as enthuse as we so easily forget the word is not the thing described.
Meanwhile full summer starts early here in Stanhope, meaning early rising to greet the Sun frankly ridiculous, though worth to effort, easy enough by simply starting sleeping early the night before as well as sleeping less.
Food grows on trees ... bushes too ... in gardens planted, woods and hedgerows wild ... the next few months is used to lay in food for winter months ... though recent progress enabled year round worldwide quasi-food to undermine immune systems and feed millions ...
Virus crisis settles down as disease adapts, though long delayed by fear and Dark players, promoting worldwide extreme measures, manufacturing Fear subliminally, in an agenda only part revealed here, but clearly seen as malign by the callous treatment of the weaker members of society, the very old, likely to die, and the children, largely immune.
Well, dear reader(s), thanks for being here, despite the faster FB being favoured recently, in some deluded attempt to challenge the Dark players ... Michael energy insisted, despite a preference for blissful ignorance ...
A trip to younger daughter today in Newcastle, the elder further North in Scotland tomorrow ... hooray, probably legally allowed, the finer details impossible to follow, especially if the propaganda followed. .. which it's not.