The Editor arrives from his summer in France, to his Darlington abode ... not bad for a lad from mining stock in East Durham, once a powerhouse of the nation, great fortunes made here for years and years ... though not by the miners themselves of course ... they went deep down in holes in the ground and under the sea to dig the black gold to drive the industrial revolution ... that work done much cheaper now in other countries, whilst surviving miners draw their pensions, some having bought their terrace houses and shared the uplift with their children, now adults ... the Editor himself was fortunate to find a cleaner job, with better wages and conditions, in Local Authorities, controlled by miners then, though as with any organisation, their purpose shifted slowly from the starting point, to serve the workers, to embed their own needs first and foremost ...
So, where's the good news then?
It's the Editor, of course ... entangled in this tale of Wear&Dao by dint of friendship with the writer and therefore worthy of his place at the centre ... which the writer over time has held more lightly, seeing through the game of humans, more or less ... and offered, here and now, the same chance as any other character to write for you, dear reader, their version of their part in Wear&Dao ... right here, on this platform ... adding depth and breadth to what was basically an autobiography to create a multibiography which could go anywhere from each new centre ... and so needs curating, though not censorship ... each reader brave enough to share their perspective of this story may take the credit and any ensuing consequences. .. dangerous for the writer? Yes, of course, this writer thrives on danger, it makes the human story real ... or closer to Reality anyway, since that's the best we can do, here and now and that may be all we have if the Dao is right ...
The reason for the sudden leap into the unknown is the arrival of a hands on helper, happy and well qualified, to create the book of the blog ... first edited and with inserts from FB posts to make a first edition with lots of photos of the people and places along the many ways to Compostela and Finisterre ... that's the first book next year, self-published or with a publisher, the costs of modern printing don't depend on long print runs these days ...
The second book, to be co-authored by Jules and others, is called "Being a Vague'un" provisionally ... the title reflecting the witty youngster who coined the term for friends who wanted to do their best to eat ethically, healthily, local, organic, Fair Trade and all that, without beating themselves up by sticking to someone else's rules ... and it will invite contrasting views to draw out different perspectives, add links to research papers and so on ...
All exciting stuff and lots to do to hit the timescales ... which fortunately are, like book 2, rather vague ... watch this space and please join in to both or either project ...
FB issues a photographic reminder that one year ago the writer left Santander for Plymouth after the second Primitivo of the year ... the Spring one this year cancelled by Brittany Ferries on the orders of the international plot against the people code named Covid19 because 2019 was the year the spurious "deadly virus" was launched, with its long planned eugenics scheme to reduce the world population drastically to make the world a better place for the super-rich psychopaths and their willing servants ... that's not the good news though ... the good news is that Love always wins and our job now is to make it so ... trials are coming, fascists going down ... keep an eye on the kinder successors and avoid vaccines of any kind ... or not, that's your choice ...