Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Good News ...

The Editor arrives from his summer in France, to his Darlington abode ... not bad for a lad from mining stock in East Durham, once a powerhouse of the nation, great fortunes made here for years and years ... though not by the miners themselves of course ... they went deep down in holes in the ground and under the sea to dig the black gold to drive the industrial revolution ... that work done much cheaper now in other countries, whilst surviving miners draw their pensions, some having bought their terrace houses and shared the uplift with their children, now adults ... the Editor himself was fortunate to find a cleaner job, with better wages and conditions, in Local Authorities, controlled by miners then, though as with any organisation, their purpose shifted slowly from the starting point, to serve the workers, to embed their own needs first and foremost ...

So, where's the good news then?

It's the Editor, of course ... entangled in this tale of Wear&Dao by dint of friendship with the writer and therefore worthy of his place at the centre ... which the writer over time has held more lightly, seeing through the game of humans, more or less ... and offered, here and now, the same chance as any other character to write for you, dear reader, their version of their part in Wear&Dao ... right here, on this platform ... adding depth and breadth to what was basically an autobiography to create a multibiography which could go anywhere from each new centre ... and so needs curating, though not censorship ... each reader brave enough to share their perspective of this story may take the credit and any ensuing consequences. .. dangerous for the writer? Yes, of course, this writer thrives on danger, it makes the human story real ... or closer to Reality anyway, since that's the best we can do, here and now and that may be all we have if the Dao is right ...

The reason for the sudden leap into the unknown is the arrival of a hands on helper, happy and well qualified, to create the book of the blog ... first edited and with inserts from FB posts to make a first edition with lots of photos of the people and places along the many ways to Compostela and Finisterre ... that's the first book next year, self-published or with a publisher, the costs of modern printing don't depend on long print runs these days ...

The second book, to be co-authored by Jules and others, is called "Being a Vague'un" provisionally ... the title reflecting the witty youngster who coined the term for friends who wanted to do their best to eat ethically, healthily, local, organic, Fair Trade and all that, without beating themselves up by sticking to someone else's rules ... and it will invite contrasting views to draw out different perspectives, add links to research papers and so on ...

All exciting stuff and lots to do to hit the timescales ... which fortunately are, like book 2, rather vague ... watch this space and please join in to both or either project ...

FB issues a photographic reminder that one year ago the writer left Santander for Plymouth after the second Primitivo of the year ... the Spring one this year cancelled by Brittany Ferries on the orders of the international plot against the people code named Covid19 because 2019 was the year the spurious "deadly virus" was launched, with its long planned eugenics scheme to reduce the world population drastically to make the world a better place for the super-rich psychopaths and their willing servants ... that's not the good news though ... the good news is that Love always wins and our job now is to make it so ... trials are coming, fascists going down ... keep an eye on the kinder successors and avoid vaccines of any kind ... or not, that's your choice ...

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Divergent Realities. ..

The drama plays on in the mundane earthly plane, called normal, or new normal in globalist gobbledook ... frankly, as explained before, old normal never made much sense, since wars continued unabated, along with poverty, violence, gross inequalities and all that and more ... anarchistic tendencies were hammered into extreme communist forms, inspired by Lenin and his highly disciplined group, supported by a starving peasantry and general population across the world, sick to death of War. .. they declared a unilateral Peace, soon shattered by imperial powers invading in support of the Czar, who bizarrely was grandson of Queen Victoria, like Kaiser Bill and our own dear King, Emperor of the still Great British Empire, upon which, it was said, the Sun never set ... because God never trusted an Englishman in the dark ... not sure why other DUK nations are exempted from this quip, but hey! probably works better by inferring the playing fields of Eton, cold showers, cold parenting, brutalisation of the officials of the glorious beast ... cue fluttering Union Jack and stirring God Save the Queen, or King ...

Of course, despite mutinies in invading troops and navies, strikes in docks and arms factories, which beat back the counter-revolution, Lenin, no pacifist, upon his early death, was replaced by Stalin, the man of steel, whose iron discipline, once Trotsky was axed abroad, ensured defeat for his rival Hitler and a carve up for Europe ... in the Second World War, the inevitable result of the so-called Peace agreement at the end of the War to end all Wars, the horror on the blood soaked Flanders fields, symbolised by the Poppy, which cried out: Never Again!

Yet was there a year without a war somewhere in the century from then to now? The hypocrisy is intolerable here in November every year ... in fact the blog seems to escape abroad mostly ...

Anyway, all this historical context takes us to the transfer of Empire from Great Britain and NI to the cousins across the ocean, the deal sealed by Lend-Lease, the hire purchase scheme dreamed up by the USA ... cue fluttering Stars and Stripes and stirring Star Spangled Banner ... the debt just paid off as the Empire role moves East, China and fellow manufacturers of all the goodies the West desired were cheaply made and sold ... the pioneering BSA having sunk into decadence long since, the also decadent now junior partner on the coat tails lashing out, to defer the inevitable trend in human history ...

Meanwhile, in meteorological time, a warming of the globe disturbs the globalist financial elites, a bunch of parasitic psychopaths, caring only for their own comfort ... their hired help at Global institutions set in motion a new world order, to reduce the population drastically, and quickly. .. an eugenical approach acceptable to psychopaths, which is not to judge them in the realms beyond the four well-known, of course, just to replace their dystopian brave new world with kinder options and, as so frequently asserted here, in the end there is no war or greed or need, only Love ... a Universal Love which we, with our humanity create, each human soul somehow a creator at the centre of our Drama, in relationship with at least one other human, playing their own game ... hard to fathom and maybe therefore unfathomable as taught through Dao or Tao ...

Enough for now, just an update to reassure you, dear reader(s), that Futures are always contingent on our choices now ... and as we choose the Way of Compassion, Simplicity and Patience, we may create  A New Earth proposed by Tolle in his follow-up to The Power of Now, by Thay in his Interbeing, by mystics through the ages ... Eileen Caddy of Findhorn for another example ... look and you will find such inspirational communities all over ... diggers and dreamers ... and by the way, your correspondent prefers the latter role, being rather old and lazy ...

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Existential Dangers...

Woods and trees still causing confusion but pennies dropping regarding Phase 1 ... Phase 2 underway as Local Authorities, with Authority being the key word ... local it is not ... some say it's the masons' bid for power, shorthand for overbearing councils, known haunts of trouser rollers playing Dark, though once light ... Lighter branches said to include Rosicrucians ... Peter Caddy of Findhorn fame was with them, helping found the inspirational eco-village ...

Either way Shock and Awe is on its way out, with much shame and blame for Fascist coup due to Cummins Rasputin, Johnson Churchill, Juan Coc and the inept, corrupt crew ... Chancellor strangely seen as next PM in newly spruced coalition with Weird Starmer and other dodgy characters ushering in the New Normal of Build Back Better ... The Brave New World of Davos' Great Reset ... though remember Aldous Huxley also wrote a Utopian tale, called Island ... most folks seem to prefer fear, good news does not sell papers ...

Meanwhile, the elders are stranded once again, in good care homes and lethal ones, at home with little company, denied a choice in their golden years ... plenty of grounds for Class Actions for War Crimes, though corrupt scientists and doctors more likely to take the rap ... some struggle with the enormity of the WHO project and its WEF partner ... others see a positive outcome but resist contemplating such cold-hearted behaviour, unable to accept that psychopaths walk amongst us and really dangerous ones hide out on tropical tax havens dreaming up reduced population levels and ways to achieve them whilst making even more money ...

Whilst existential reasons are cited for the Great Reset, the existential danger here and now at Wear and Dao is to allow the ego, necessary in the game of humans, free rein ... and the answer seems to be: Be cautious in the battles of the keyboard warrior and in conversations locally and beyond; resist temptation to join in everybody's story; follow Lao Tse's Way ... be effective without a fuss, use power gently so people think they led themselves ... and don't imagine for a second that, whilst the blogger is the creator of his own reality, with supporting players and and audience, the same is true of all of us ... and how that works is a mystery indeed, the Dao that can be described is not the Immortal Dao  ... curiouser and curiouser!

Also mysterious this time of year is how the fish, having wandered the oceans for four years, return with huge effort to the place they started, to spawn and die, whilst males follow to fertilise the eggs ... if you know whether the boys go to the stream they started or another one to avoid interbreeding, please do tell ... so much to learn, so little time.

Though if the Gypsy's right there could be two more decades to go this time round. Catching up with Thay, recently 94 and started conscious dying, declining food, the Buddha way ...

Thursday, 8 October 2020

Devolved fascism ...

The fascinating and dangerous game plays on with Local Authorities offered local power to abuse the rights of the people living and working in their area of control. Their mandate expired in Spring so any semblance of legitimacy has expired, justified by the hyped up pandemic from the Sars-Cov-2 flu like virus, code named Covid 19 from the date of its launch in 2019. In the DUK nationally the mandate was exercised late that year and swiftly became a coup. Clearly, any government failing to protect its most vulnerable citizens, indeed embarking on murderous policies to reduce the numbers of elders in so-called care homes is attracting close attention from human rights lawyers taking evidence from experts for War Crime tribunals.

The DUK Junta, by the way, was elected on a platform of limited devolution for constituent countries; Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and soon embarked on a plan to give each of them enough rope to hang themselves, which they took. Now it's the turn of sub-regional entities. Here in North East England there was a so-called local lockdown, which turns out to include some but not all Councils, along with bizarre regulations built on the basic lie of a lethal virus, which this never was. Confusion reigns by design. A so-called second spike of a virus already mutated is manufactured by spurious testing of the healthy inevitably producing false data to prove lots of cases. But cases of what? And cases are neither deaths or illness but a Casedemic.

Newspapers and BBC, all lying to some degree, are now nudging the fearful nation towards the next phase of the worldwide plan. Shock and awe was phase 1. Phase 2 is gentler,  the people cowed and soon encouraged to blame the extremist governments, devolved authorities, corrupted scientists, lying media and any other handy scapegoats.

For now phase 2 is just conjecture, since people are quite wedded to phase 1. It has its benefits after all, or did.

Well, that's enough 3D madness for Wear & Dao for now. Broader perspectives keep us grounded, or rather flying free ... words fail at this point, but limited thought and language is sufficient to explain the bigger picture without the cosmic element.

All good here in Autumn, foraging, laying in supplies for winter, including books to entertain and educate visitors to the small retreat in the hills ...

Thursday, 1 October 2020


So much to pick and preserve to see us through the lean months of winter, still a month or two away ... blackberries the favourite here, freezer filling slowly and companion apples wild and freely picked wrapped for crumbles until January maybe ... ancient fear of starvation drives us, though it's become a simple pleasure now ... wandering around, avoiding the nettles and thorns, thinking and not thinking, a slower kind of Camino and still a meditation. Elderberries rather fiddly, but vitC booster made, other pickles later as fruit and veg ripen or almost ...

Findhorn was interesting. Stay extended day by day, synchronicity at every turn ... the Foundation forced to comply as every organisation subject to permission from Authority ... Cluny closed for business though grounds open for a wander and some apples ... the Park more eclectic since it has dispersed ownership, an intentional community with eco houses for sale on the open market so buy to rent as well ... Phoenix Shop open with masky workers and customers, strangely few of whom assert their right to resist the muzzle ... a major success for the Behavioural Insights Team, serving the Junta ... though many just shrug and say what's the harm for ten minutes shopping? True enough, though staff pressured to breathe their own co2 all day begs the question of where the Health and Safety at Work Act 1976 went?   A mask to cough and sneeze into? Nice!

This phase of shock and awe soon finished, to much relief all round. Much softer regime to follow, as scapegoats line up for public humiliation ... let's watch carefully the next new normal shall we? Dodgy drugs mandatory if you want to travel perhaps? Or other so-called rights requiring proof of vaccination ... resistance to these measures currently high, 50 percent perhaps, let's see how it's marketed ...

Looking increasingly like a depopulation agenda for a new order in a world reset ... stay alert, indeed! And keep on picking food from hedgerows and gardens, spending time outside sunning the body, breathing fresh air, moving the body ... make your body your temple, don't desecrate it ...

Or sign up to submit to serve the machines ... you have a choice!