Well, here we are then, in the New Year 2021, according to some systems of counting Time.
Given the current shifts in Imperial Power, perhaps we'll soon switch to Chinese Time, drop these HPNY and Christmas dates, with all their ways to cheer us up in midwinter Northern Hemisphere, midsummer in the South, at least those countries colonised by the European Christian types ... maybe even drop the Latin alphabet in favour of ideograms, a whole new way to see the world or worlds ... along with grammar, already subverted in the blog in an attempt to show the word is not the thing described ... hence the lack of full stops. Full stops, called periods in US lingo, confusing readers into imagining Life is static, whereas it's well known it's not ... nouns have similar tendencies and verbing is more accurate ...
The title of this blog addresses vital issues as we enter 2021, since this phase of human activity or insanity offers major changes ... crises do that as old ways to operate fester and demand system reset ... entitled The Great Reset by the representatives of the great and good gathering each year in Davos to plan the future as they see it ... the Blue Book recently published by the World Economic Forum describing a powerful vision for a brave new world, led by them ... a place fit for a new species, part human part machine, and far fewer of us too ...
The puzzling thing about the visionary book was this: despite being written well into the shock and awe phase of their plan, there was no mention of the fear generated by design by illegal governments around the globe, coordinated by the World Health Organisation, since the method chosen to shake us up was a virus ... a kind of flu, not lethal but highly infectious, engineered in a Wuhan Lab and distributed in boxes, perhaps by Amazon, to speed up the transmission rate ...
This strain of Sars, known as Sars-Cov-2, was code named Covid19, after the year of its launch ... that strain ran around through 2020, peaking in April in UK, revived to maintain the fear as a second wave, by devious devices, aided and abetted by complicit media, including the ubiquitous, addictive FB and associated monopolies to divide and rule the people, already infected by existential fears like Death and Love of Money ...
Meanwhile, the next virus to hit the scene and encourage us to submit to insertion of loaded nanoparticles in our bodies is ready soon ... maybe code named Covid-21, WHO knows?
A fascinating game indeed and lethal ... when psychopaths are left in charge, with Head Girls and Boys and Prefects given the authority they always seek to tell us what we can't do, Compassion goes out the window ... we could say that one solution is to laugh at them, since such very serious folks don't like it when their authority is undermined by mockery ... worth a try anyway ...
As for FB and similar addictive tools designed to reinforce our solipcism, always on, posting stories or memes, Me Me Me, gathering the attention we crave ... well fundamentally these corporations only care about money and new ways to make it and keep it ... including selling advertising space to governments, like most mainstream press, all paid for by the magic money tree, already conjuring up the new fear of higher taxes ...
It's soon time for breakfast and an early wander, but in the meantime, dear long suffering reader(s), please note the above is not a theory, just an hypothesis you are invited to criticise, destroy with your own insight and forensic logic and even mock the writer if you want ... he won't mind, since for obvious reasons he no longer takes him self seriously and quite enjoys being teased ... any kind of attention is better than none after all ...