Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Proxy Wars

More fun filled days in Stanhope in Summer ... that's what's great about the place, there's always Hope to be found. Then there's the proxy wars using sport to fight other nations instead of murder. Seems like progress, and having seen off the old enemy, Scotland, at Wembley, England had yet another home fixture with the more recent enemy, Germany, and beat them early, without extra time or penalties, to take England into the quarter finals. Still more battles to fight before a Final, also scheduled for Wembley, though some question the wisdom of home advantage all the time. Actually, in WW2,  the main aim was to win away from home, in France and other countries, having succeeded in persuading Germany to send their team to play the Soviet Union, who battled so hard they demoralised the enemy, having sustained huge casualties all round. When England, plus other nations, including Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the rest of the British Empire, plus the USA and many others, landed in France, where Germany were still camped out and a lethal threat, the war in Europe finally ended. The Japanese team, having invaded their region, took longer to persuade that the British Empire and Allied team meant business. The US team deployed lethal force from the air to destroy two Japanese cities and most of their citizens, to assert that they were the new team in charge, though not in football, or soccer, as they call it. The whole world decided from then on, that this new team were led by psychopaths and were not to be messed with, though some well-meaning communists from England and the USA, thought it best to share the secret technology with the Soviet Union, before the new Empire took over the whole world.

That led to the Cold War, of course, meaning both sides shared the prize. Like a draw, or stalemate, with neither team winning completely, and many other teams subjugated by the two winners, often violently. During this stage of the game, small nations were at the mercy of the psychopaths leading the US and the SU, football tournaments notwithstanding. And the United Nations was more or less helpless in uniting the nations around principles of peace, which many found inspiring and compassionate. Psychopaths however, don't do compassion, which was a problem.

Anyway, the economic game settled the result, and prosperity won. Hooray! The problem with Capitalism, of course, as described by Karl Marx, was its need to keep growing to feed the greed of the shareholders, plus the inevitable concentration of capital in cartels, leading to gross inequalities in the world, wars to grab resources, wars of resistance, and the finite Earth running out of resources.

Which is where Professor Schwab, Bill Gates and others came in and took over the United Nations, especially the World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation, with its Great Reset, to save the planet for the benefit of the plutocrats, not the plebs, of which there are far to many. Eugenics follows logically. Some agree, others not so much. It just depends on your point of view.

Meanwhile in Weardale, yesterday's hot and sunny day was wonderful, not only for the garden, the suntan, and the smiles on most faces, but also because Weardale in the Sun always looks better, like most places, and folks are out and about, happy to talk ... mostly. Subversion goes on subtly, whilst walking about or writing on FB or even on here! Who knows who's reading this stuff? Not me, I can hardly keep up, typing with one finger on a tablet from Samsung.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Freedom Day again ...

Keeping up with blogging is a discipline lacking here at Wear and Dao now ... after all, this game of Good and Evil we're playing for real today is speeding up and in virtual reality FB appears to elicit more response from local folks, especially when an Incomer hooks up with a respected local Influencer to comment on her posts.

After a go at Freedom Day on Monday, since the Junta UK postponed its version for spurious reasons, today there's a gathering in London, which your blogger spent the week considering and finally resisted the temptation since there is plenty to do here and now, including distributing propaganda with The Light newspaper, June issue, delayed on its journey from the printer in London, since the boss of the trucker discovered the nature of the cargo and breached his contract to deliver wholesale up North East, maybe other regions too. July issue due soon, let's see about that, but this one is enough to encourage resisters to Resist ...

Meanwhile, a huge event in London is planned today at 1pm in Speaker's Corner, Hyde Park. FB fun entertains the blogger as neutrals sit back and watch while Common Purpose cultists issue rather rude advice to the innocent old chap doing his best to protect a free press by sharing the Light. Imagine small demons snarling in a virtual world, two of whom are well known to the poor old blogger and indeed are FB friends, even friends in the flesh, since one is local, the other retired to Sweden. The third is local too, so her cult credentials are yet to be examined. Let's just say, her use of language is rather snarly and leave it there. Taking the moral high ground really upsets them and does no credit to the blogger, but what else can you do with Luciferians trapped in the shadows?

Some say, say nothing and don't play the games of children. Remember when we seemed to divide more or less equally, when it was Cowboys and Indians, but nobody wanted to play Hitler or Gestapo nasties, when brave British Soldiers, assisted by Sailors and Air Crew, were heading to Normandy, did they? Which shows the reader(s) how old the writer was in 1955 or 60 ...

So, why play these binary games at all, when all is one, a Unity? And having understood it, how does it help humanity to evolve by contrasting Light with Dark, when Dark is merely the absence of Light, light is energy vibrating throughout the Universe and all the matter merely energy condensed to a slow vibration .... all of which is speculation of course, from scientists and mystics throughout the ages, expressing the inexpressible, entertaining humanity, to pass the time, expressed linearly for some unknown reason ... hmmm, All The World is a Stage alright, and Blake's Universe in a Grain of Sand, Eternity in an Hour, not to mention Jerusalem, the hymn, are only two of many pushing us along the Way ...

The weather in Stanhope is damp today and wet yesterday, but in London, where the Resistance is gathering today, it's dry and sunny, they say.

Hooray! Happy Freedom Day. Much better than slavery, eh?

Sunday, 20 June 2021

Summer Solstice 21

Some radicals are calling this Freedom Day!

That notion was postponed by the fascists in power teasing the populace finally waking up from the nightmare of the past year and more ... the evidence has been there long enough, hasn't it?

Anyway, this blog has spent more than a week without entertaining its reader(s), since its author has been busy walking, talking, reading but not writing, and entertaining any passing stranger or friend with stories. Listening too, sometimes!  And still thinking, a bit ...

Perhaps the details of all the encounters of the past week will be recorded later, but before setting out walking, perhaps yesterday is worth mentioning, since the usual trip over to Hexham was replaced by an invitation from two beautiful women, or children, once babies, to meet in Heaton Park, Newcastle, for a walk along with a small boy in a buggy plus two dogs, which was fascinating, not least thanks to Dot, the new Cockapoo, unused to so many humans and dogs in one place, straining at the leash to greet all of them. Such was Fathers' Day, yesterday, the day before Freedom Day, today. Of course, both children have been Free in their minds since they were old enough to think, more or less, and were certainly not interested in any Rules suggesting they could not meet each other or their Father in the Park. Somehow or other they seem to have inherited genes saying Fear is in the Mind, Rules are only there to be broken, and Compassion is the main thing to ensure a happy life. Which is nice.

So, since the Sun appears to have risen a while ago, behind a thin layer of cloud, and legs are ready for exercise on Monday 21st June 2021 ... Freedom Day for anyone who cares to exercise their minds, even if they're working. It's going to be a long day ...

Monday, 14 June 2021

Plots and Plans

And so it goes on in these long summer days with daylight setting the time to rise, though frankly six or seven or even sometimes eight hours of sleep are required to restore the cells of this old body, especially the neurones busy thinking and renewing, known as neurogenesis, helpful to stave off dementia as old cells atrophy, as all cells seem to do ... and sharp thinking has been required to make some sense out of non sense, or to use another illustration, the intellectual Left Hemisphere, which usurped Power from the Right side where the Whole is located ... a shocking mistake expertly explained by psychiatrist Iain MacGilchrist in The Master and His Emissary some years ago.

Time speeds up, information expands exponentially, meaning the Universe itself expands if Cosmologists are correct in their calculations.  If Jude Currivan is right, all information is held in two dimensions, defining the edge of this particular universe, with all the rest being holographic projection in a third dimension. Space Time was proposed by Einstein as a fourth dimension, leaving several more dimensions seeking explanation in String Theory, not to mention Multiverse Theory, which wanders beyond the single universe defined by Jude. Obscure, is the word for current cosmology, not to mention the quantum world where nothing is certain according to Heisenberg and others. William Blake used mystical insight to unify the conundrum of macro and micro worlds, but not with modern science. His poetic words of Infinity in a grain of sand, Eternity in an hour, still echo through the centuries. As does his hymn, Jerusalem, with England's Green and Pleasant Land.

Rain forecast for tomorrow, much needed after drought. Down South they had it yesterday, after sunny spells for plotters from G7 lands in Cornwall, doing their best to provoke the plebs to wake up and rise up at last, realise the yoke around our necks and the cosmic joke being played out, written by Cosmic Scriptwriters as seen in revelation some years ago along the Camino towards Santiago de Compostela. A mind uncluttered by rubbish sees earthly concerns more clearly, and there are plenty of prophets these days, as always, pointing out the madness of a world full of violence, created by human beings without social ethics taking power from deluded voters and using it to delude us further.

God help us all! If indeed there is a God up there. That's another question for another day, though regular readers will have heard it many times before. Not the answers, just the questions.
Sun is up already, Scotland appear to have drawn with England without any goals. More nonsense distracting humans from important tasks ... like walking back home, Nature, where we come from.
And to which we return ...

Friday, 11 June 2021

More fun in Stanhope plus National Trust ...

Just another week in and around Weardale, known here as Heaven on Earth, or maybe that's all in my mind, who knows? It's always seemed a good idea to question everything, not least because it upset the authorities, starting with Dad, and spiralling up to anyone at all who stood in the way of my freedom. This may sound solipsistic, dear reader(s), but it's really not, since questioning everything, and always asking why? is a sure fire route to wisdom, the love of which is known as philosophy in Ancient Greek, though some translations suggest sophy infers knowledge, a misuse of which can be very dangerous indeed. The Sophists in Athens in the good old days were known as Mouths for Hire and experts at debating, and leading Democracy up the Garden Path. Pedants at this stage may point out that Ancient Greek Democracy did not include slaves, women, children or even many men. Best not assume Words are reliable paths to Truth perhaps!

After escaping from Hampshire before anyone was up, the road home to Stanhope was clear all the way and Daisy only needed one small rest and some fuel at Sheffield to arrive home in time for elevenses and a long rest before Sunday's short drive over the hill to Stand in the Park at 10 with fellow dissenters, which was nice. Monday and Tuesday were for wandering around Heaven, greeting old friends and new ones as usual, including sharing opinions as seemed appropriate to encourage dissent without alienating folks. Wednesday was for the National Trust and Fountains Abbey near Ripon, Yorkshire; an amazing place on a sunny day and some strange and wonderful encounters with total strangers, who engaged in conversation with the old blogger and friend, since such places are conducive to interactions with any victim who returns smiles and responds to key triggers like: Good Morning! How are you? Where are you from! It's lovely weather isn't it? What's your name? ... and so on. Outside masks were very rare on such a sunny day and on the few occasions when such strange behaviour was requested on official notices issued by neo-fascist authorities along with other peculiar orders designed to maintain control of the populace for nefarious reasons becoming clearer by the day, as the Universe offers clues about our destiny, which appears to be to lance the boil built up for centuries as patriarchy and plutocracy and such reprehensible reactions as submission to Evil, Luciferian cults through Fear.

Anyway, it's clear that the six years on pilgrimage examining the workings as one small brain, not separate at all from Universal Mind, which includes you, dear reader(s) ... well, that's my view so far and it keeps me contented and happy to exit this Earth plane anytime. Sharp minded readers may observe a win win solution to the suffering seen in the world by Gautama, as he offered his 4 Noble Truths 3,500 linear years or so ago. And if this deluded old blogger wakes up dead one day, to find no heaven, hell, liberation or any ongoing consciousness at all?

It's Saturday again in Stanhope ... time to walk and rejoin Nature!

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Summer 21

The first day of June dawned brightly at Brighton Hill, Basingstoke, Hampshire and intentions turned South-West to Brockwood, Bramdean, Hampshire and the Krishnamurti Centre for a Retreat to recover and prepare for camping in Dorset on Saturday. At the Centre known friends were found, including customers and staff, all friendly and full of information about the Pandemic Year. Some wore masks so Covid Police didn't close the whole operation and others did not since the Local Authority running the Prefects has no basis in Law for their claims and need to be aware of Nuremberg precedents at every level ...

Serious fun began with Ambrose from near Ampleforth, North Yorkshire; an Englishman with a Catholic Mum and Jewish Dad. He arrived here thanks to surviving four different Camps designed for killing Jews and other undesirables, which was extremely lucky. Peter from Bucks, who has been working on the problem of reconciling the mini and macro worlds through equations, joined us and broadened the conversation. Thereafter more and more conversations developed with staff, guests and random human beings encountered on walks around Bramdean, including at the Community Cafe in West Meon, visited daily since WiFi is frowned upon at the K Centre for obvious reasons. Whilst many folks visit to retreat and embrace the silence and ambience, most of my life is spent in silence and the current mission in life is spreading propaganda and peace to nudge folks towards a better world and not accept the current dystopian plans of dark forces.

After Ambrose departed, Gordon became a regular feature at the socially distanced table and he accepted an invitation to visit Stanhope, like Ambrose. Tundaye, also expressed an interest, whilst sharing deep learning about Advaita Vedanta as a method to complement the teachings of K. Helena, a staff member on retreat contributed to the discourse, with her insights from inside the organisation, as did Alisdair, a trustee of the Foundation. Sandie arrived, an old friend from the visit in 2019 and shared her views as an artist, along with Arnold, her Icelandic friend and staff member.

Frankly, the four day visit is rather a blur, with other characters playing their own roles in our common dramas and the information is still being processed in the brain or mind of this old blogger appearing separate as ego in order to present as a human being, with lessons still to learn on the never ending journey. Life School!

As for plans, the camping trip West to Dorset swung North to Stanhope and Daisy insisted on an early start to skip the traffic jams, meaning most of Saturday was spent in and around the Retreat House in Weardale and Sunday, yesterday, was spent in Hexham, standing about in the Park sharing information with the Resistance locally and generally enjoying the sunshine with friendly people, and looking forward to sleeping in my own bed instead of camping in Dorset, walking the hills and swimming in the sea with lots of people getting Sun tanned and maybe burned ...

As for today, who knows? Time to relax and enjoy the scenery perhaps ...