More fun filled days in Stanhope in Summer ... that's what's great about the place, there's always Hope to be found. Then there's the proxy wars using sport to fight other nations instead of murder. Seems like progress, and having seen off the old enemy, Scotland, at Wembley, England had yet another home fixture with the more recent enemy, Germany, and beat them early, without extra time or penalties, to take England into the quarter finals. Still more battles to fight before a Final, also scheduled for Wembley, though some question the wisdom of home advantage all the time. Actually, in WW2, the main aim was to win away from home, in France and other countries, having succeeded in persuading Germany to send their team to play the Soviet Union, who battled so hard they demoralised the enemy, having sustained huge casualties all round. When England, plus other nations, including Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the rest of the British Empire, plus the USA and many others, landed in France, where Germany were still camped out and a lethal threat, the war in Europe finally ended. The Japanese team, having invaded their region, took longer to persuade that the British Empire and Allied team meant business. The US team deployed lethal force from the air to destroy two Japanese cities and most of their citizens, to assert that they were the new team in charge, though not in football, or soccer, as they call it. The whole world decided from then on, that this new team were led by psychopaths and were not to be messed with, though some well-meaning communists from England and the USA, thought it best to share the secret technology with the Soviet Union, before the new Empire took over the whole world.
That led to the Cold War, of course, meaning both sides shared the prize. Like a draw, or stalemate, with neither team winning completely, and many other teams subjugated by the two winners, often violently. During this stage of the game, small nations were at the mercy of the psychopaths leading the US and the SU, football tournaments notwithstanding. And the United Nations was more or less helpless in uniting the nations around principles of peace, which many found inspiring and compassionate. Psychopaths however, don't do compassion, which was a problem.
Anyway, the economic game settled the result, and prosperity won. Hooray! The problem with Capitalism, of course, as described by Karl Marx, was its need to keep growing to feed the greed of the shareholders, plus the inevitable concentration of capital in cartels, leading to gross inequalities in the world, wars to grab resources, wars of resistance, and the finite Earth running out of resources.
Which is where Professor Schwab, Bill Gates and others came in and took over the United Nations, especially the World Economic Forum and World Health Organisation, with its Great Reset, to save the planet for the benefit of the plutocrats, not the plebs, of which there are far to many. Eugenics follows logically. Some agree, others not so much. It just depends on your point of view.
Meanwhile in Weardale, yesterday's hot and sunny day was wonderful, not only for the garden, the suntan, and the smiles on most faces, but also because Weardale in the Sun always looks better, like most places, and folks are out and about, happy to talk ... mostly. Subversion goes on subtly, whilst walking about or writing on FB or even on here! Who knows who's reading this stuff? Not me, I can hardly keep up, typing with one finger on a tablet from Samsung.