Here we are again, another new month and last one of Autumn as the leaves fall and the Winter thinks about turning colder and darker for a while. With luck we'll see sharp frosts and snow to clear out the bugs, though obviously flu season tends to encourage some to settle in to warm houses and warm bodies of some humans, which inevitably means some us shuffling off this mortal coil and hope for a peaceful passing, maybe looking forward to seeing old friends again in an afterlife, though that idea comes without a guarantee, so we'll just have to wait and see, won't we!
Yesterday's Hexham event was most uplifting, with plenty of old friends and new sheltering from the rain under the Bandstand, offering hugs and warm conversation to any wishing to join in. Things are speeding up on the Resistance front, with plans afoot to create a parallel world without all the degenerate nonsense evident in the current excuse for a free country and throughout most of the world consumed by the Fear and thrashing around of the demons in their death throes, as the truth becomes clearer and clearer about the plot of the plutocrats to usher in their Brave New World in The Great Reset. .. meaning it's make your mind up time to accept slavery or rise up and realise The Great Awakening is here at last, as Pisces passes on and Aquarius arrives at last. Which sounds good to me, since the Dawning of it was very exciting for a teenager learning about The Summer of Love and the practical applications of it.
Two eclipses are predicted this month, one lunar, one solar, and some say that's significant, even though it's not necessarily magic, unless you think it is, which basically describes the placebo effect after all. And if the mind and its stories create the worlds in which we live, then clearly thinking healthy thoughts and telling uplifting stories, must surely be better for our mental and physical health than nocebo, the opposite effect, which means we may indeed think ourselves ill enough to kill us, and loneliness and despair does that, if you deal in demonic stories and visit the places so dark it feels like hell on Earth, rather than the Heaven available as a nicer option.
So, here we go dear readers! After Halloween yesterday, with beautiful souls discussing wonderful futures, today is here, and a trip to Heaton to see my beautiful younger daughter for a while means November begins as it means to go on, with manifestation of wishes and deepest desires easier than usual, apparently, so what could possibly go wrong? Bonfire Night on Friday looks promising, and this old blogger will be indoors in front of the log burner, thinking good thoughts and musing on the meaning of Life, as usual!