Saturday, 7 February 2015


Yesterday, Victoria dropped me off at the new Helpx place near Moncarapacho, as she headed north to Monsanto, near Pedrogao Grande, looking at land for her son, a somellier living in the USA, wanting a vineyard to play with.

Her project is so full of potential . . . her original plan was to own it with a group, but the others dropped out . . . now it is just her, with Helpxers passing through.

Bruno and Jenni were on the trip too, a six hour drive and two day stay. Lots of energy and ideas from them over the past few days . . . also seeking community life on a permaculture project, perhaps in Portugal.

Jane welcomed me, along with Camille and Marty, the Helpxers from Maine, USA, who I am replacing. They are off on the next leg of their extended break . . . to Seville, Cadiz, Barcelona, Italy, Montenegro . . .

The first hot shower for five days was wonderful. Everyone has their own level of "enough"; heating in the cold evenings and hot water is on my list.

Jane and Look moved here ten years ago and have made a simple and beautiful place, with guest house and caravan for visitors, yurt for meditation, fruit and nut trees of all kinds. They have spent a lot of time at Plum Village, with Thich Nhat Hanh, and have an interbeing sangha here, near Tavira.

The main task is walking Ollie and Chico, the two lovely dogs of the family, three times a day . . . good work for a dog-loving walker.

Tomorrow, Marty and Camille depart and I am on my own with the dogs. Later, Jane has invited me to an Interbeing event nearby.

And since the third, final, short, dog walk is ten pm, I am adjusting my bedtime a little . . .

1 comment:

  1. Steve! I'm glad to catch up and see you are still walking about. I hoñe the ankle heals soon. We made it to Montenegro (great for walking, by the way), now in Croatia. Happy Easter!
