Having spotted a circular route, the Ruta Guadiaro-Genal, from Secadero up the right bank to the Genal confluence and the Hermitage and back to Tesorillo on the left bank ... 18km, which is a steady 4 hours if all goes to plan ...
An early start, though some time spent with the ants and Poppy, ending with an agreement that cat food will not be on offer in the kitchen, but on the patio, whilst any leftovers at the end of the day will be put out the front for the ants ... let's see if that works ...
Which makes departure a little late and breakfast is postponed until Secadero, which is reached by car before 8 and before any breakfast serving cafe is open for business ... never mind, there is water and we should be back by 12 ...
Passing an inland expat riding a stationary bike quite fast on the well equipped adult playground, a little information is gathered about the route and it is swift and mostly traffic free to the beautiful Hermitage, despite a perverse northerly extension of nearly an hour ... now, to return the known way or seek out the left bank, with no sign of a bridge ... continuing north on the right bank through orange groves and vegetable fields, all fenced in and on a large scale, it is hard to ascertain when this river can be crossed (the junior partner, the Genal is easily bridged near the Hermitage) ... until a couple of blokes working in a field tell me it is as quick to go back as forward ... that the bridge is still 3 or 4 km north, though happily there is a cafe there ... hooray!
A substantial sandwich for lunch at 12.45 is fuel for a hot return down the left bank ... which follows the metalled road as it meanders on the edge of the flood plain, not wishing to get its feet wet in the odd cases of overflow ... and on and on like a long camino day on the plains ... soaking the towel and wearing it on head and shoulders, topped by sun hat ... practical if rather bizarre for passing drivers .... and into Tesorillo at 5, which is 5 hours later than planned and proof once again that the map is indeed not the territory ... given a generous hour total breaks and a fair pace on flat roads, that's looking like 40km at least ... the most since Santiago and great training for legs and mind.
As for Poppy and the ants, all food is eaten and no sign of ants on the patio, Poppy's food or the kitchen ... let's see ...
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