November 30th 2020 and a full moon!
Cosmic changes predicted going into calendar winter.
Not long until the shortest day and longest night of this strange year, then it's Christmas Day, hooray! Here in Weardale Christmas trees are up already and postponed shopping frenzy may begin ... on Wednesday 2nd December, though some outlets never stopped and smart traders traded online and couriers worked flat out delivering essential goods, like tinsel and sparkly stuff ... strange indeed ...
Anyway, the kind and caring DUK Government, led by Stanley's boy, Boris, born a while ago in the USA, educated at Eton and Oxford, so well qualified with Ancient Greek and Latin Philosophy, especially Sophistry, to lead our once great nation in this existential crisis. .. a Churchill for our times ... in his imagination at least ... and if that's true, it seems this earnest blogger, seeking his own version of truth, has become caught up in Johnson's drama somehow ... though not as ally, but antagonist ... a warrior modelled on archetypal heroes like Che Guevara, who had the good fortune to die young, frozen in time ...
Funny that ... lots of other folks are caught up in a similar drama across the planet Earth playing different roles, according to their psychology developed through their childhoods, accidents of birth, incidents through this Life ... let alone all the others ... and while Christmas time is noted in almost every place on Earth these days, the original story is barely noted, whilst conspicuous consumption runs wild and good tidings of great joy are spoken, if not always practiced even by church attending Christians. ..
Enough of that, it's still November and it's Full Moon, already noted becoming fuller, when cloud cover permits ... a moving sight , though Sun is more worshipped here, as it appears to rise and fall .... in reality, of course, as pointed out before, Sun only seems to rise and Moon only appears to change shape ... reality being only relative ... November being only a name for one month out of twelve, twelve months only making up a so-called year ... and so on ...
On the fell this morning human beings turn up, as if by chance, to stay a while and impart information relevant to fill out this story you are reading, at this time on this small planet, in this small solar system, in this small galaxy, in this particular Universe ... that's where Physics is currently working. In the Middle Ages, in Christian stories, the Universe was much much smaller, with the Earth as the centre and all the observed planets spinning round it.
If you ask Cosmologists the obvious Philosophical question, what's on the other side of this Universe? they tend to say, hey, one universe at a time please! Or if they're philosophically inclined, for now, that's Dao or Tao or basically some things may never be understood ... humans struggle with that, being rather arrogant ... though also struggle to explain why we even have a word for Infinity or Eternity ... those are just for poets and mystics perhaps ...?
Apples abound, and about to be pressed, hopefully ... such abundance this year and many folks who have the trees in gardens can't use them all ... and whilst birds and insects take their share as they rot, it seems a shame not to store some for winter and share them round in one form and another ...