Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Thursday before Christmas Eve

Another early start and blogtime again! Yesterday worked out as planned, which is not always the case, though what happens in reality is always the best thing that could have happened, of course. That's psychology, or mental health self-care, after all. So, the old blue rucksack, bought in Leon some years ago and still going strong, thanks to German technology, is filled with copies of The Light for further distribution around the village, after which there's ample space for the shopping from the greengrocer, Diane, another Resister. And home for second coffee, made with hazelnut milk and a drop of brandy. The Matter With Things is started with the introduction. No point starting with the conclusions at the end of volume 2, which would spoil the story. Then a few chores, including the preparation of a light lunch, and the eating of it so as to land with perfect timing at St Thomas' Church Hall having skipped the turkey and grateful for a delicious and generous slice of coconut cheesecake and a cup of tea.

The main point of the visit, was not really to enjoy a free dessert and cup of tea, but to chat with the elders attending the meal, the helpers and Jane and Andrew who brought the food and table decorations in their van down from St John's Chapel. All of the elders were well known to the old blogger, and were greeted warmly on both sides and photos taken for posterity. Two of the helpers were new and one was not introduced, but the other one was, and turned out to be the Mother of the proprietor of The Pack Horse in the market place, and we had a warm chat about how they landed in Stanhope in the first place. At a discreet time in the proceedings, two plastic food containers emerged from the old blue rucksack and went into the kitchen to see if there might be sufficient spare desserts to satisfy the sugar addiction, not to mention the hobby of foraging, which includes food likely to be wasted. Bingo! Andrew offered a generous slice of cheesecake and two slices of Christmas pudding, which were tucked in the rucksack for future consumption.

Fond farewells followed, and the old blogger wandered home in time for more tea and reading of The Matter With Things, plus some Facebook scrolling and messaging, and a chapter of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, since the brain was rather weary after the very early start and Pirsig's classic is an easier read than The Matter With Things. Similar philosophy however. All the deep stuff takes us to the same place in the end, after all, and yet another book, first published in 1943, Feeling is the Secret by Neville Goddard, is ordered for the Library via Hive, as usual. Regular visitors sometimes ask whether it's possible to have too many books in such a small Library. Not all questions require answers of course, and to be honest I often ask myself the same question. Neverthess, dear reader, my view is the very best books in an eclectic Library are not just the opinion of the blogger, but visitors seeking the wisdom on the shelves.

Which mundanity brings us to thoughts of early breakfast after posting of today's offering, dear reader(s). The day before Christmas Eve is without plans, except walking, reading, writing, eating without any visitors to distract me. Which is always a pleasure, of course, as is the recognition that plans have a way of changing themselves, so let's make breakfast and see how the day of nothingness unfolds shall we?

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