Sunday, 22 May 2022

Sunday in the hills

Sunday today dear readers of Wear and Dao. After yesterday's' Saturday by the sea today your blogger and his kind carer and dear friend entertained Bill the philosopher as per usual on a Sunday. A delicious lunch of toad in the hole was prepared by the kind caring chef, followed by ice cream and chocolate croissant. ..

Philosophy ensued yet again and the Meaning of Life and the Nature of Reality were further explored.According to Bill it's all about vibrational frequency causing ripples in the space-time continuum.

Clearly it's increasingly obvious dear readers that many lives are lived at the same time by each and every human being, which may seem bizarre to some but not all of us. Nevertheless the evidence of science and spirituality points to this simple truth. Of course His Holiness the Dalai Lama nailed it years ago when he pointed out that Compassion for all living creatures ensured a happy human and fortuitous rebirth time after time as karma works through the systems of human beings.

Tomorrow morning we await a bench and table made by Cornerstone social enterprise a business with the social purpose to rehabilitate ex-prisoners based in Willington near Stanhope in north east England  ... inspirational work. Tuesday may see a trip to Wallington Hall a regular venue but let's see about that ...

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