Friday, 5 August 2022

Saturday shifting

Well here we are again dear readers, a warm Saturday in early August in Stanhope in Weardale and stuff to shift around to make life a little easier. It's often said by chaps with Luton vans: "No job too small", but surprisingly it was tricky find a man with a van prepared to shift a bed from Railway Terrace to Rose Terrace then pick up a couple of mattresses and take them to Bishop Auckland. Our saviour finally was found in Hope Street in Crook - Andy who had moved your old blogger into Wear View by the River Wear in Stanhope some years previously.

That was arranged yesterday when the morning included a trip up the Dale for a coffee and muffin at Chatterbox cafe in St John's Chapel followed by a walk up Slitts Wood collecting raspberries and blackberries for later use indoors, to combine with the apples and rhubarb scrumped from an empty house by the river in Stanhope.

After lunch of eggy bread with salad we spent some time moving furniture about upstairs to prepare for Andy's arrival today. Then we rang our solicitor in Crook to finalise the house sale and went shopping in Front Street for essential supplies for lunch today. So that's your update dear readers!

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