Sunday, 23 October 2022

Wet Sunday

A damp day in Stanhope and the post breakfast walk for stuffing at the Co-op was dry enough ... the fresh air and exercise being the main aim ...

The partner was making toad in the hole for Bill and Andrew next door plus us of course. (For any other pedants out there dear readers of Wear and Dao, please explain why toad and which hole?!)

The Carlo Rovelli book passed the time whilst the partner laboured in the kitchen before the guests arrived. Also the archive from the blog you're reading was perused as a reminder of those days on the Camino. .. nostalgia as is observed is a jolly good thing, but it's not what it used to be :) ...  The door bell rang at 1245 to signify the arrival of the guests and a delicious and nutritious lunch was served at1 pm. After lunch a game of chess between Bill and Andrew over a cup of tea passed a pleasant half hour or so before Bill departed and Andrew played a game of chess with the blogger. Let's just say Andrew won both games before going home next door leaving your old blogger to continue reading Rovelli's book on quantum physics.

Another walk was dodged due to rain and our final quick walk to the pub for the usual pint of Guiness rounded off a sociable day ...

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