Friday, 19 December 2014

Palas de Rei to Santa Irene

Up early after a cold night. No blankets and the heating wasn't very good. The poncho doesn't really work as a duvet.

Since I was up, I decided to go early, get 5km done along the road in the dark, then see how I felt. I am thinking about the overnight bus to Granada tomorrow and wanted to have a short day to Santiago, look around, then get on the bus at 16.25. No idea if it's running, if they have a seat, how much it costs or what time it arrives.

Anyway, my long day, 45km, has left me with 23km for the morning. Perfect.

My last night in a Galician municipal albergue, and it's better. The hospitaliera (not sure if that's the right word, nice women, but I don't think they have walked the camino), as expected has no blankets, but she offers me her sleeping bag. I am the only one here, so will soon be catching up on my sleep, having dined on maize bread, sheeps cheese and tomato. And some sweet water from the last fountain.

With luck, my next bed will be on a bus.

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