Saturday, 6 December 2014

trust . . .

When considering my pack for the journey (which was open ended, not only the camino), I decided not to take a tent. Trust the universe to provide a bed. Not enough to leave out a sleeping bag and survival bag though. Developing trust in providence is a gradual process in Life School. The bags went as I sought to lighten my load. So far, I have always had a bed and blankets.

Jose-Manuel told me about his pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Out in the Syrian desert at night. He was cared for. He was convinced of the benign nature of the universe. Just trust and enough is provided, he told me.

I wonder about the lives of millions of people suffering in India, Africa. Children starving to death. Is that only because they don't trust the universe?

I don't know about that. I can only know from my own experience in Life School, which is teaching me that meeting the world with an open heart and trusting the universe works.

1 comment:

  1. I do like the trust posting Steve.....learning to let go and rely more on providence to meet some of those physical needs. One step at a time; one word at a time... it's a journey not a destination... as I recall I once heard spoken in Stanhope. Alan :-)
