Thursday, 15 January 2015

What would you be doing now . . .

. . . if money was no object?

Fear is what blocks the free life and fear of lack of money pervades all levels of society.

It's what keeps benefits claimants on ever tightening budgets, since alternatives are not very attractive and getting back into the system is harder than staying there in the first place.

It's what keeps millions of people doing jobs they hate, maybe spending spare time on the things they love.

Yet if we come into this human incarnation with a unique gift, our soul will not be satisfied until it is given . . . and received . . . in the beautiful dance of mutuality which life may be when we give and receive with open hearts.

Alan Watts advised his students to work out what they loved doing and do that . . . let the money take care of itself.

Asking myself the question a few years ago, the response was "walking", which I did in Weardale most days . . . even offering guided walks (without success, which is just as well, since my map reading skills are poor and my idea of a good walk is to get lost and find new places).

Since November I have been walking just about every day, seeing new places, meeting new people . . . and, for now, money is no object . . . there is enough . . .

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