Given the choice between an elderly, thoughtful, compassionate politician and a bombastic, solipsistic, principle-free clown, the discerning electorate of the DUK appear to have opted for the latter ... a strange event with many fascinating causes ... locally the Labour MP, firebrand young leadership hopeful Laura Pidcock is replaced by an anonymous Tory from Lancashire, surprised as anyone by the result - his wife said to have fled from the counting hall in tears at the prospect of having to move to the constituency - brief reports from reluctant turncoats suggest the years of anti-Corbyn propaganda were more critical than the EU exit in influencing the vote, echoed nationally ... which is not to say the Eton educated winner was universally liked, his bumbling bombast attractive only to a portion of the voters, for most it seems to have been a question of the best of a bad lot ...
Meanwhile, local elections loom in May and complacent Labour administrations in ex-industrial areas may be worried that, having broken the habit of unthinking loyalty, voters might challenge them at County Hall ... though a lack of a respectable opposition party could be a factor .... maybe a time for the Greens or even independents trying to transcend party politics? Or, as reported by the editor, long-time Labour councillors jumping ship to rebrand as independents, in this case in Sedgefield, famous as the constituency of Blair, three time election winner under the New Labour label and given a free pass in the mainstream media to pontificate on the next leader of the opposition ... no mention of his reputation internationally as a war criminal and close ally of the BSA as the plan to restructure the Middle East played out ... the consequences of which are all to evident ... refugees, radicalised young Muslims, ongoing aggression against Iran ...
Apologies to readers appalled at the return of Wear & Dao to the murky world of politics, previously avoided in favour of broader perspectives. .. happy to report however that, having broken the habit of decades and casting a vote, conscience whispering the possibility of one vote leading to the victory of the forces of darkness consolidating power, reaction on waking to the news early last Friday was surprise but not devastating disappointment ... analytical mind looked closely at the numbers for a nuanced view beyond the apparent landslide narrative from the first past the post electoral system ... perspective suggesting that maybe it's best that the shameless instigator of the EU referendum result takes responsibility for the tricky details of implementation ... not least the contradiction between trade deals for goods and those for services, especially financial services, mostly a euphemism for the casino capitalism rampant in the City State of London ... where, incidentally, the reputation of the Eton Mess, two term Mayor of London, is quite low according to recent informants ...
Some spiritual relief found on two day retreat at Land of Joy ... not meditating but working in the woodland, planting trees and waging war on invasive Rhodedenron. .. not without some questioning about human assertion of dominance over Nature ... two small orphans rescued for planting in the small garden at Railway Terrace, let's see how they settle in amongst the roses and dandelions. .. to be honest the visits to LoJ are mostly in search of philosophers, resident and visiting to help process the current musings ... and reading, the latest challenge Sapolsky's tome on neuroscience, biology, psychology and the rest ... as recommended by James of Scotland in the comments on here a while ago ... he's a scientist and wired for this stuff, rewiring to integrate new information is an ongoing struggle here, but not without compensation of course ...some disquiet at the source of the findings - vivisection with rats, monkeys and other warm blooded sentient beings ... a little scepticism as biological determinism lurks in the background ... still, plenty more pages to ponder before seeing how and whether the new information fits into current evolving world-view ...
Early starts in the dark and intermittent dank weather offer time for reading and writing, though long awaited book is still stuck in the head, or wherever thoughts and ideas reside ... discipline never a strong point, external usually actively resisted, internal barely present ... never mind, better to do little contentedly than rush about in search of people and their aggregates, societies, to improve ... perhaps ...