Friday, 15 July 2022

Holiday Time!

Friday 15th July 2022  dear readers of Wear and Dao, and it's summer holiday time for your old blogger and his kind caring friend meaning a trip down the M1 to the New Forest of England, which is not actually new of course but ancient and set aside for hunting by the Norman invaders in 1066.

The weather was fine and mild with a light cloud cover for good driving conditions and considering it was Friday remarkably free of excess traffic. After roughly 6 hours of driving, with a couple of stops we were at our first destination of Fordingbridge where the old blogger was born, the third child of four, in 1950. After looking around for reasonably priced accomodation we found the Railway Hotel which is designed to reflect it's name with a Pulman railway carriage and a great restaurant for cannelonni.

Today, Saturday we move on to our next accommodation but at the time of writing dear readers we know not or where it will be! Rest assured however that you'll read about it on here.

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