Sunday, 3 July 2022

Stanhope and Bill

Today dear readers of Wear and Dao was Bill our philosopher friend's day to visit meaning home cooked food for lunch (Spanish Omelette plus caramel and date cake with custard for dessert). As per usual philosophy ensued until Bill headed off to The Garden Station to meet other friends and we two had a nap before going over to the Retreat House to see Julianne and Peter to discuss the long delayed sale of the Retreat House to Julianne.

Frankly dear readers our solicitor is the cause of the delay and the only reason he's not named and shamed here is the well earned reputation of the legal profession for litigation!

Never mind that's life and there are far more important things in life than money worries. Granted abject poverty is no fun but surely enough is enough as seen in the blog you're reading now.As it happens the solicitor who dealt with the purchase of the Retreat House in the first place was a friend, very fit and relatively young died of a heart attack a year ago ...

Tomorrow is a free day dear readers so what we do and who we see who knows? Frankly the main priority is the visit of the two dear daughters next Saturday and all the rest inconsequential though the arrival of a book on Teach Yourself Greek is rather exciting and will fill the time between when the book arrives early this week and the holiday in Cyprus in November.

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