Saturday, 22 November 2014

Jaca to Arres . . .

. . . 25km according to the map of this part of the Camino . . . set off at eight, walking quickly along mostly flat paths alongside the Pamplona road . . . a couple of climbs to improve the view . . . the Pyrenees now on the right looking across the plain of Aragon . . . a ten minute cafe con leche stop at Santa Cilia . . . regular updates on the distance to Santiago . . . musing on what 850 km looks like, if each step is one metre and one thousand steps is a kilometre . . . after a short stretch by the road the path drops into woodland, then a grove of stupas . . . there are small cairns along the way, yellow painted arrows, posts and large signs, but this is a surprise . . . when did it begin? I add my stone . . .

Last night at the Jaca Alberge there were two of us . . . Sergio, from Ibiza, seems quite devout . . . started his camino at Lourdes and, unlike me, has walked all the way . . . this morning he said 25km was to far, he was stopping at St Cilia . . . they said it's closed, I tell him . . . his feet are hurting . . . two hours after I arrive in Arres, having found the key at the bar, had a good lunch and established the wifi connection with Pilar from the bar . . . here he is . . . looks like the two of us again . . . friendly, but his English is about as good as my Spanish, so we won't be doing philosophy . . .

. . .so here we are, outside the bar, waiting for the sunset . . . tomorrow 27km to Ruesta . . . after today that seems fine . . . the light walking is coming along nicely . . . or maybe I am getting fitter . . .

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