Tuesday, 18 November 2014

St Martory . . .

. . . two hours walking . . . up to Alzen, down to La Bastide . . . feeling the weight of the pack again, but no further forward on what to jettison . . . a sunny day and two quick lifts to St Girons, two more to St Martory . . . a sleepy small town on the Garonne . . . it was early, but I felt like slowing down, the town felt good, the sun was hot . . . hotel Chez Kiki welcoming, especially the hot shower after three days without . . . important to keep clean . . . there are a few other vagrants about and I am aware that I am lucky to have the choice to do this . . . and to find a hotel room at the end of the day . . . never planned to sleep out, though will have to watch the budget . . . still, it will work out somehow . . . 
Tomorrow's options: a few hours walking the back road to St Gaudens . . . other options there, including train to Pau, pushing on to St Jean Pied de Port and the high Pyrenees, which are very seductive dressed in white . . . or more hitching, bus . . . let's see what the morning brings . . . just glad to be in a warm room after three nights in a cold caravan . . .

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