Thursday, 27 November 2014

writer . . .

. . . as a pilgrim, Sergio, with whom I travelled for five days, would tease me: always looking for internet, always on the tablet . . . not proper pilgrimming . . . although there has been no judgement from him or any other devout pilgrims on adventurers, secular seekers and others using the ancient Christian Camino for our own trip . . .

. . . and being a pilgrim, with pilgrim passport, gives access to the cheap albergues, opens the hearts of locals along the way, provides the company of an international crew of philosophers . . . their stories, insights, friendship . . .

. . . which means my roles are three-fold now: writer, cook, pilgrim . . . and would be philosopher a fourth perhaps . . . that's lover of wisdom above the other translation, lover of knowledge . . . maybe just lover of life . . . and like any good actor, I want to play the roles as best I can, all the time aware that in the end they are only roles . . .

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