. . . following the sad passing of Nessie, a new canine guest, Buster, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, classed as a dangerous dog here, arrives, while her human and best friend, Rose, travels to Sutton Coldfield for a WRENS reunion . . .
. . . it takes a while for the pack to adjust and for Buster to overcome his separation anxiety, so not much sleep for either of us the first night . . . last night we all slept (or were quiet) from 9 pm until 6.30 am . . .
. . . some more info on poisoning from Jose, who suspects locals targetting foxes . . . this, politics, religion and the meaning of life over a glass of home made wine . . . in French, with Portuguese translations to help me learn . . .
. . . this morning, after a long walk with three well behaved dogs on leads, another chat with Chris and Hanneke at their off-grid place tucked away in the woods. Chris' take on equanimity and compassion is developed as he tells me he has a crossbow, which he would not hesitate to use to defend his property. Crikey . . .
. . . he asks me what I would do if attacked and I reflect a while, then respond: I will let you know if it happens . . . so far, walking alone around France, Spain and Portugal, it has really not occurred to me . . .
. . . the ongoing discussion with my psychologist friend on how detaching from emotional reactions is related to psychopathy takes on some new meaning . . . and the off-grid house, illustrating a recent FB post that off-grid doesn't have to be primitive, has a dishwasher as well as a fancy bathroom . . . what is enough for one being too much for another (never having seen the need for a dishwasher) . . .
Well, it's Brit night at the local bar and I am not tempted. Rui, the owner, when asked if it was a problem with the Brits taking over the bar and keeping out the locals, replied: Simple, you spend money, they don't, no problem . . . which, of course, means no problem to him . . .
Chris, Hanneke and I discussed the question of the movement of people around the world . . . the adjustments, perceptions . . . the terminology: incomers to the UK generally being referred to as immigrants, whilst UK folks in other countries are called ex-pats . . . also by the writer of this blog, as you may have noticed . . . it being a major theme along the way, since it is a possible option for the future and I want to understand it.