Friday, 20 March 2015

thoughts . . .

There is a theory that thoughts are not just generated in the brain, but received and transmitted by it.

If a thought is a tiny unit of energy, and since energy cannot be created or destroyed, maybe every thought ever thunk is out there, in one or more of those dimensions the physicists tell us must exist beyond the three of space and one of time we mostly operate in.

What if the quality of thoughts we receive depends on the frequency to which our mind is tuned.

All sentient beings may have thoughts, humans are possibly unique animals in that they can observe themselves thinking . . . and adjust the frequency. Sometimes even the wavelength. Other animals seem tuned in to their particular frequency and live their lives consonant with that . . . except when they spend too much time with anthropomorphising humans . . .

Which brings us to the problem and the solution for human suffering.

Minds frazzled by circumstances, imagining that the thoughts are theirs, attaching to them, identifying with them, lead to words and actions re-inforcing the circumstances, which continue to frazzle the minds . . . the wavelength known as "normal" . . . probably the same one the brainwashing channels are set on (aka television) . . .

The solution, if the theory is right, is to adjust the dial, while observing all thoughts as they pass through without attaching to them or identifying with them . . . and simplifying, taking care of body and mind, finding channels more consonant with who you really are . . .

It's a theory hard to prove, though it may explain the phenomenon of childhood genius . . . the young Mozart picking up thoughts from Bach . . .

And whether it's right or not, taking care of our bodies and detaching from our thoughts can't do any harm. Can it?

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