Saturday, 7 March 2015

life school in Graca . . .

Yesterday was busy, preparing for Jan's departure to England . . . some shopping in Figuero dos Vinhos (or Fig for short) for stocking the cupboards with Dao wine, avocados . . . though the local shop has enough essentials and luxuries for the three weeks . . . enough fuel to feel confident that the car will manage the return trip to Pombal comfortably . . . running cars on quarter tanks and less being a potential source of anxiety as well as pointless . . . the glass half full/half empty cliche illustrated in car form . . . fuel full means peace of mind . . . and there is enough for an occasional trip before the next Pombal run in three weeks time . . .

So, settling here, with several sentient beings relying on me, simplifying basic requirements, spending time wandering the woods, wondering which humans to engage with . . . awaiting the tests which are essential to embed the theoretical learning on self-suffiency, spirituality, psychology, philosophy . . . planning projects . . . practical ones right in front of me, which will make life a little easier . . .

Theory is mostly from Facebook these days, from sources which resonate, shared by friends, some of whom I have met, some not yet . . . J.Krishnamurti (too late to meet him in this life), Joanna Macy, Mooji, Ram Dass . . . and many folks not yet famous with experience to share . . .

Selection of sources is vital, of course; and sifting for previous (mis)information, no longer serving . . . building a body of knowledge on foundations of lies is like building a palace on sludge . . .

Meditation, mostly walking allows insights to enter occasionally . . .

And when life intervenes and problems arise, the choice is to catastrophise them or welcome them for their learning opportunity . . . either way they are there, and will keep returning in different forms until we accept them, solve them and welcome the next (and harder) one . . . how else will we graduate from life school?

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