Tuesday, 17 March 2015

creating our life dramas . . .

In some versions of reincarnation, between lives the veil designed to enable us to fully experience each life as if it were the first and only one, is pulled back and we review how we did compared to what we set out to do . . . before arriving, having set out the framework and conditions which would allow us to learn the new lessons as well as those we dodged or screwed up last time.

Within that we have the freedom (or the illusion of it) to choose the dramas, the roles, the scripts, the fellow players . . . all of which make up the chapters of our life.

I don't know about all that . . . what I see is roles, dramas, fellow players, sometimes not serving . . . and we know because we are uneasy, not at ease (which often becomes dis-ease) . . . or, to change metaphor for a moment, when the costume starts to itch, it's time to switch . . .

The opportunity is there to be not just the player, but also co-author and co-director . . . perhaps . . .  things are sometimes rough, sometimes smooth and too rough and too smooth don't suit me . . . I want to accept the challenges, learn from them applying the principles of compassion, simplicity and patience, then be open for the next act/chapter/voyage . . . whichever metaphor you prefer . . . and remembering that all attempts at explaining the mystery of it is metaphor, not the thing itself . . .

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