Some good connections over the past few days . . . Bob, 50, from Somerset, who is a builder and friend of Findhorn; Chris from Holland, living off grid nearby; and very friendly neighbours Jose and Lucinda, who hijacked me after a lovely long walk in the forest, offered home made red wine and olives, plus Portuguese lessons . . . they lived in France for 16 years, so we can converse while the lessons progress . . .
. . . leaving Jan digging trenches and plumbing in the new toilet . . . very self-reliant and well aware of my DIY skills . . .
Tomorrow to Coimbra - 45 minutes on the bus and some tourism before settling down to Graca life and dog and cat care at the weekend . . . not forgetting guinea pigs . . . and chickens . . .
Optimal time for central Portugal . . . Spring beginning, mosquitos still conspiring or whatever they do before launching into action in summer . . . now, how far North is mozzy free, yet still hot?
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