Good morning dear readers of Wear and Dao the blog still enjoying the company of friends sharing philosophical insights into the Nature of Reality and the Meaning of Life. Yesterday was a relaxing day with nothing much planned except relaxing before today's demo against Johnson in Durham Market Place at midday. It's hard to understand how on earth the awful PM survives in the job when anyone with half a brain sees he's serving the plutocracy and not the common people. Like Tony Blair of "New Labour" infamy of course.
Anyway dear readers, this is politics and not strictly speaking philosophy and yesterday we set off early to Bishop Auckland to see our W eardale friend, magistrate and confirmed royalist as well as vocal opponent of injustice and our unlikely MP Richard Holden. As it happens Anita's Pop-up- royal tea shop was fully booked so instead we went over the way to the coffee shop opposite then to see Gordon at his amazing 2nd hand bookshop where we found five hardbacks for just £60 to add to the library ...
Nearby was our dear friend Tom from Weardale, who trained at Durham University in theology and spent a few years vicaring in the Church of England before losing his faith in God and becoming an atheist. Now he owns the Pineapple Fine Art shop in Bishop Auckland!
What a life we lead eh dear readers? The life of retirees is not bad in this country where pensions are paid and this life sustained in the brief lives we spend on earth between births and deaths. Still, that's all philosophy dear readers and as said many times here on Wear and Dao it basically boils down to being kind to all we meet and usually finding kindness in return. Life's an echo chamber you see, what you emit returns!
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