Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Wednesday in Corbridge

A bright and beautiful morning in Stanhope dear readers of Wear and Dao the blog sees your old blogger in summer attire  having a short walk from the centre of the village having purchased a gift of a plant for a Polish flower who had invited your old blogger and friend to her house in Corbridge .

Being aware of our capacity to take wrong roads despite hints from Google, Siri , and online maps we decided to make our way on a route we were told would take 32 minutes an hour and a quarter early . The journey across the moors went smoothly dear readers and until we had travelled over Corbridge
all was well , several errors later and the kind help of a stranger who turned out to be the neighbour and friend of our hostess saw us arriving early, perplexing our hostess who had kindly arranged a get together for your old blogger with friends he had first met in Hexham some time ago and had hoped that they would arrive prior to your blogger so as to complete the surprise .

A wonderful gathering it was indeed , discussions of a philosophical nature interspersed with a wonderful meal of smoked haddock risotto with roasted vegetables and trifle for desert . Let's just say dear readers that having had his fill your old blogger took time for a short siesta in the beautiful garden his hostess and husband had spent so much time and effort to make following the grand conversion of a house that will hopefully serve as a happy loving home for themselves and their two boys.

Tomorrow there are plans for a lunch between the kind caring friend and June now organising Wheels to Meals. Meanwhile a team from the Red Cross charity shop in Bishop Auckland are scheduled to arrive with a bookcase for the house ... books being somewhat of an obsession for your bibliophile old blogger!  In the afternoon Gillian the Angel of Stanhope arrives for afternoon tea of fruit scones with jam and clotted cream

Temperatures are set to soar so sitting outside the house is a pleasure. .. Do pop round if you fancy a cuppa .. that is if you're near Stanhope in Weardale, Northeast England dear readers.

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