Thursday, 23 June 2022

Thursday in the Sun

Today dear readers of Wear and Dao the blog, dawned warm and sunny at 23°! Which was rather hot outside on the bench awaiting delivery of a bookcase from the British Heart Foundation in Bishop Auckland. Of course as regular readers will know by now a library at A Place to Be is always in need of good books of a philosophical, psychological nature or enlightening books of any kind although my kind caring friend has suggested that the bathroom and her bed are no place to store them.

Your old blogger enjoyed the freedom that his mobility scooter gave him today and visited several shops as well as the hub to meet up with friends always willing to share philosophical discourse. And for the second course a wonderful omelette made with a goose egg purchased from the local greengrocer made with my own fair hands dear readers as my friend was out for lunch with June another member of the Wheels to Meals team.

A visit in the afternoon from the Angel of Stanhope turned into a bit of a tea party  or should I say cream tea party , with talk of old Wills saying that all the world's a stage with each of us playing a part and the less than kind and caring nurse pondering which of us was the mad hatter ? An enjoyable time dear readers was had by all with the Angel of Stanhope leaving to complete her 10000 steps for the day and your old blogger and friend setting to to fill the shelves of the new bookcase . Not a bad life eh ? Tomorrow a visit from a specialist pulmonary nurse is on the agenda and later picking up the grandchildren with another nurse and a visit to Rise for artisan bread and a healthy supper , and perchance a cake or two .

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