Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Wednesday Worshipping

Good morning dear readers of Wear and Dao the blog!

Today we head across the border from England to Scotland and Samye Ling Tibetan Monastery for a visit to see the ornate style of Mahayana Buddhism, rather rich for my taste dear readers ... I prefer the simple style of Theravadan Buddhists  like Harnham.

However whatever style of Buddhism we choose all Buddhists see HHDL The Dalai Lama as leader ... except for a weird sect prominent hereabouts denying the authority of His Holiness.

So why you may ask dear readers does your old blogger and his kind caring nurse choose to set off on a rather dull damp Wednesday to a monastery some way away . Perhaps to seek , perhaps to honour, perhaps to remember or perhaps dear readers to continue to live this Life as fully as one or two can .
Namaste dear readers !

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