Monday, 28 February 2022

01.03.22 Spring At Last!

A rainy day yesterday meant a day inside and a visit from the District Nurse late in the day kept the old friend from the village and the blogger on our toes. In addition the old friend was signed up for Zoom as part of a course on Philosopy. Today it's full Sun and Spring is sprung on March 1st!

So, what's happening today on March 01.03.22? It's a busy afternoon as a special bed is to be delivered to ease the pressure on the bottom, and later the Doctor may call by to endorse the case for a bungalow in Stanhope.

What on Earth is the world coming to when a previously fit and heathy blogger requires a bungalow? Old age is factor of course, though 71 is not that old these days.As for the Retreat House  who knows if the blogger will ever return there again.

Sad but true! Let's face facts shall we? The human body must die sometime,  the existential question is whether consciousness continues.It's a matter of opinion in the end of course!

What do you think my philosphical friends?

Sunday, 27 February 2022

An Outing to Findhorn

Not long now my friends before a return to Findhorn with the friend from the village currently supporting the breathless old blogger as she attends a fascinating course called Elder Daughter training. It's well known that family constellations have a big effect on our lives. Jlil Purse specialised in the subject, so the old friend from the village is very keen to discover things about her own life.

The currently breathless old blogger decided to go along for the ride and decide what to do and with whom on arrival, but meanwhile a beautiful B&Bi s booked - Sunflower where the old blogger stayed some years ago and found most congenial with excellent facilities and a reasonable price considering the buffer breakfast and sitting room albeit upstairs this time, a challenge for the breathless old blogger!

The challenge is accepted my friends and the aim is to share the driving, not a problem, and lose the walking frame for walking sticks to steady the balance or perhaps rely on the return of natural balance and the end of breathlessness!

Now then my dear friends and confederates, who actually bother to read the rubbish written by the old blogger, it's almost time to post but not before noting the film watched on Netflix called Ladies in Lavender starring Judi Dench and Maggie Smith with Miriam Margolis as the cook and the other two as sisters vying for the attention of the Poilsh chap washed up on the beach!

That's it for now folks, do enjoy this offering please.

See you all tomorrow perhaps.

Thursday, 24 February 2022

24.02.22.-26.02.22 More Convergence

Now then where on Earth was this blog from? It seems like ages, but  it can only be days since it  was written. That's the Nature of Time itself of course. A fabrication to stretch time so that human beings may experience the illusion!

Yesterday the 25th, there was lots of action as wheels turned and put in motion by friends and friends of friends, not to mention folks with responsibiliies, never much embraced  by your blogger before! Having reviewed the information on this blog it appears the crisis with the dear old NHS began not long after Christmas!

This seems unbelievable frankly since so much water has flowed under the bridge in that short time.And more to come before the trip to Findhorn in a month or less. Before then some recuperation is required and organisation of support for the desired bungalow in Stanhope, which is forthcoming via Adrienne a close friend of the retired nurse supporting the poorly old blogger and others like the GP tasked with supporting folks in achieving their goals to live in Stanhope.

Since some folks get twitchy awaiting the information found in the blog, this is a first draft and there may be more to follow later. Or maybe not!

Anyway dear reader please enjoy this ... take care !

Monday, 21 February 2022

Freedom From NHS 22.02.22-27.02.22

Fingers crossed today's  the day of synchronicity and convergence after embracing the mainstream game albeit without without the bio-weapons and mass hypnotism employed by the plutocrats who planned to reduce the payroll by around 6 billion human beings in roughly two years, by which time restrictions will be lifted as amnesia sets in.

All the world is a stage Shakespeare said, and this message may not have been metaphorical! So, what on Earth should we infer, dear reader? What if finally convergence was here after thousands of years of Patriarchy, as blog readers will heard many times before !

Well well, crossed fingers notwithstanding, this morning's confident prediction of freedom from the dear old NHS which has hosted a convergence kindly,  leaves the synchronicity hanging until 23.02.22 ! This is indeed a kind of Liberation illustrated by both daughters and the kind friend from the village, not to mention the rest of the optimistic frìends, who share the positive viewpoint that all the world is a stage indeed, and so Consciousness continues eternally ... so that's it for now folks and dear blog readers ... Brief and to the point

Convergence moves yet again as March approaches. It's the Nature of Reality you see.
The Future is contingent the past already already done.
The Present Moment is all we have to explain Reality you see.

So my dear friends there it is, imagine it and it is so .... and so it is

Good night dear friends 

Thursday, 10 February 2022

09.02.22 and a month in Hospital

Who would have thought it ... having exited the bed and risen slowly to take clot buster and coffee, the Doctor rang and Ian the Paramedic arrived to advise an ambulance was required due to the results of yesterday's chest xray, showing possible pneumonia, which is not good at all. The NHS went into high gear and and all kinds of medical staff suggested solutions which were accepted, since your blogger is no expert in the field of acute respiratory problems ...

The trip in the ambulance was rather interesting to say the least of it, as the Paramedic revealed he was a Resistance supporter and had attended a protest March in London recently and his wife was fully on board with the mistrust of the State.

Most of the day was spent alone in the observations room, with visits from the team responsible. A 4 bedded ward was promised when a bed was available, which finally occurred after 1 a.m when all was quiet in Ward 4. In the morning a big television was switched on revealing not only the utter trash on the telly but also two items of news worth knowing.

After Dryburn described above, and clot busters under way a move to Weardale Community Hospital was mooted and accepted with delight, despite the delay in Ambulance Transport, meaning a  two bed  room with Mark, who has different health issues and is very kind and considerate. Though the 2 bed became 4 when a patient with demetia needed to be alone with carers.

Another diagnosis showed Pulmonary Embolism which is quite serious, but not necessarily lethal. Morphine was prescribed in tiny doses which tasted good!

Now Elder Daughter joins the planning process as next of kin. Which is nice!

Well dear editor and any other blog reader, here you go !

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

08.02.22 Wednesday Wander

Here we go again. One week ago it was an xray in Bishop Auckland Hospital, today a different kind in Dryburn where we landed in an ambulance some weeks ago for a long day of examinations of the breathlessness which turned out to be these bloody little clots floating about in the lungs . Today we're wandering over to Dryburn Hospital for a further xray,  which doesn't take long at all before we wander home to Stanhope via Sainsbury shop to purchase some essentials including pastries and Pastel de Nata in a box of four, just to be sure we have enough!

After which a seat in the barber shop offers a haircut and shave for just a tenner, then a pedicure at home completes the picture ... Diana pops in with a wonderful gift and Dowton Abbey follows supper of soup and crumble.

Sun shone all day in Stanhope and Durham, which is wonderful for raising the spirits of course!

Then news arrives from Elder Daughter that she and her Younger Sister are visiting next Tuesday.  How wonderful is all that? Well, tomorrow The Angel of Stanhope arrives for lunch, binging a long lost book about running say the old blogger is lucky is surely the understatement of the year!

Good night dear readers. ..

08.02.22 Tuesday travails ...

An interesting development this morning after musing yesterday about National Trust .. . today lying in bed thinking about the travails of Life, thinking about rising to start the day at 5.30 a.m. and pondering deep questions, snoozing until gone 10am. tottering downstairs to find the kind friend from the village patiently waiting with blood thinning pill and strong coffee to fire the engine ... still, the extra rest was helpful indeed in the circumstances as was the toast with butter and marmite for breakfast ... it was decided to call the NHS surgery to ask about the report about the treatment prescribed to address the travails of the once fit old blogger now struggling for breath!

Now, this led to the visit of a community paramedic, Ian, who came last time ... a very compassionate human being with a sense of humour who offered alternative scenarios for treatment including a return to Dryburn Hospital for a chest xray tomorrow between 9 and 4.30. which works well for the blogger and the kind friend from the village, since at elevenses coffee may be purchased plus chocolate croissants as a bonus.

Well, that's all in hand thanks to the expertise of the kind friend from the village, also retired nurse, who arranges the preferred scenario without any problem and now is cooking a healthy and nutritious supper to boost the immune system. That's what good friends are for, some might say, but certainly not this one. Gratitude always helps when a friend's experiencing travails, defined as painful or laborious, well, there is no pain except mental pain, but the breathing is very laborious  indeed! 

After supper is Downton Abbey numbers 3 and 4, as hierarchies persist but not without Women's Lib beginning to infiltrate the normal order, aristocrats and working-class women joining together in a spirit of equality for all. This shook the men up a bit, though many men came on board too. The world was changing as it must from time to time, or else it stagnated. Bringing us seamlessly to Hugh Everett and his theory of an infinity of worlds whereby at each critical moment where we choose our Reality, the "us" splits and creates "us" still at the centre of our Universe, with the key players from before playing similar roles ...and vice versa! These days Hugh Everett is long dead and buried and his theory persists as "The Many Worlds Theory", which is crazy enough ...

Time for bed now, tomorrow is xray day to check respiratory function and see what on earth is causing the little blood clots to clot and how long the travails might persist ... Ian the kind paramedic estimates a few weeks to a month, which is acceptable to your old blogger and his kind friend from the village  ...

Good night dear readers, sleep peacefully. ...

Monday, 7 February 2022

07.02.22 Monday Mysteries

Waking to a sun-rising on a Monday morning, a strong coffee after the clot buster designed to thin the blood enough to disperse the pesky clots sufficiently  but not too much, is an imprecise calculation, especially since previous blood thinners have been known to cause problems themselves. Still, there you go, you pays your money you takes your chance ... this human body is complex indeed, and don't even start on the Mind! Such a mysterious place the human mind ... creating images to inspire fear, horror, comfort, all in waking consciousness. .. then there's  dreaming creating meaning which is not always easy to decipher. Of course guiding ones dreams is an art in itself, though last night's dream took its own course, reflecting the story from The King's Speech last night and especially the relationship between The Duke of York, soon to be George V1, and Lionel his speech therapist. Weird or what!

Meanwhile, in the virtual world, news of the Resistance comes through describing the Convoy descending on Central London creating traffic chaos, though strangely mainstream media doesn't seem to have noticed it. Also Reiner Fuelmich bringing his evidence before the courts  of Crimes against Humanity and Child Abuse. Strange times we're living in as pennies drop, all cause mortality stats stack up to show all is not well ... unless of course you believe bio-weaponry and psychological warfare is the way to go.

Before lunch things were peaceful in The Retreat House, with a nutritious and delicious meal of eggs, foĺlowed by blackberry crumble and no visitors expected until the kind friend from the village  returned from her philosophy class on zoom.

About 3 in the afternoon John from the Hub arrived for a chat and surprised to hear about the blood clot business. Shortly after Diana called and chatted for a while before walking home, leaving about ten minutes before the kind friend arrived for supper of soup and a video of Downton Abbey, which was fascinating and historical from the times of servants and masters, inheritances and stately homes.

Now they're mostly National Trust of course.

Tomorrow? Who knows? Best leave it as another mystery, though a trip to Cragside's not out of question  ...

Good night dear mysterious readers!

Sunday, 6 February 2022

06.02.22 Sunday Sleeting

Sunday starts sunny, though sleet is forecast for later.Which is to re-iterate yesterday's posting about February in the North Pennines of England and lambing storms, whilst new bulbs appear and budding trees.

Meanwhile on the food front, duck eggs are on the menu for lunch in a cheese and tomato omelette, which is highly nutritious for human beings, albeit not ethically acceptable for vegans. That's human beings for you, having opinions about all sorts of issues, even though they are omnivorous by Nature. It just looks like more divide and rule to this sceptical blogger. Dear vegan readers, may I ask if you and your family were starving how vegan would you be then? And yes, this blogging sceptic does have vegan friends!

Now, all this emphasis on food assumes a body incarnate, which is how human beings appear, though once transcendent they have no need of a body or food, therefore more than human. Meanwhile in Plum Village, Thay, now passed, proposed a sangha meditating at the same frequency would become a superorganism ... and why not? Many systems of organising humans have been tested over time, so why not this? Visiting Plum Village some years ago, it was very tempting to take the robes, shave the head and sign up for the duration, but there was resistance since the mind was set on the Camino de Santiago via the coast, so rather reluctantly that option won out. Of course as with all options chosen throughout each life, one is not to know where the other options led! There is a theory of Many Worlds proposed by Hugh Everett, a student working his PhD, that the microcosm and macrocosm could be united theoretically if Infinity was permitted in the equation. This was far too crazy for mainstream physics at the time, so Wheeler, his supervisor advised him to replace "infinity" with "many", thus The Many Worlds Theory of today! This did not please Hugh at all, and he threw in the towel and went to work at the Pentagon instead.  However Hugh was always unstable and an alcoholic and committed suicide young.

Film night this evening was The King's Speech with the stammering King George V1 replacing his brother George V, who abdicated after marrying Wallace Simpson a divorcee both of whom were supporters of Adolf Hitler.

Tomorrow no visitors are expected, but you never know. Meanwhile the clot busters continue to thin the blood, which is helpful.

Good night dear readers!

Saturday, 5 February 2022

05.02.22 Saturday Serenity

Light rain today freshens up the fields to feed the Spring lambs gaily gamboling  around having fun with friends, and why not? It's a short life but a happy one, and it's pointless  anthropomorphising other mammals, though to be honest dear readers your blogger's not keen on munching lamb, mutton, beef, veal, pork, chicken or any warm blooded creature, though the body demands fish occasionally. That's the joy of declining labels or judgement about food preferences. Personally. being a "Vague'un" seem best. The defintion? It's quite simple really: Judge not, but do your best to honour your body as your temple; if some cake or chocolate lifts your mood, eat a little, why not? If eating warm blooded creatures offends you, try to avoid it,  anyway it won't kill you if you do, and organic usually covers compassionate rearing and a swift despatch ... we humans seem to thrive on divide and rule though that's a big trap to be avoided. Unite and Fight maybe?

Rain persists, outing resisted, no visitors means serenity for your blogger and kind friend taking care of him in his current crisis. After salmon supper it's film night again, why not? Tonight's choice, after yesterday's break from Lord of the Rings, is Tawai, with Bruce Parry, finding spiritual depth from visiting groups still practising hunter gathering, and Sadhhus at the Mela at the confluence of the Ganges, a holy place for Hindus. Iain MacGillchrist contributes on The Divided Brain, a book he wrote before The Master and His Emissary and the latest The Matter Wih Things.

Tomorrow looks fun as Marta comes for lunch with her two sons, meaning five humans, two women, two boys and one old bloke looking forward to a rest from today's serenity and some entertainment plus the chance for Marta to meet the kind friend for the first time.

Life's never dull at The Retreat House in Stanhope, is it?!

Good night!

Friday, 4 February 2022

04.02.22 Friday fruition

And so the week moves once more towards the weekend dear readers. The days get longer imperceptibly but significantly as the Spring Eguinox approaches, though not before the strong chances of lambing storms up here in the North Pennines of England. However, whatever the weather, Weardale has its own special energy. The Lake District is found only a few miles West, yet that is crammed with tourists, whilst Weardale is less patronised meaning one can easily walk without seeing a tourist or other human being all day in the height of summer. Now, whether you consider that a blessing or a curse, or something in between depends on your point of view of course. Not to mention your economic desires for more tourists or fewer or maybe, like Goldilocks  just right.

A peaceful morning passes without visitors, but it's just a matter of time before Michelle arrives bearing food and ready for discussion too, naturally. The weather is changeable since bright Sun has turned to sleety showers, but that's lambing storms for you. If you desire Spring lamb for Easter it needs to be springing about now. That's life in the North Pennines for you!

Lunchtime and Michelle arrives followed by Elder Daugter, who get on like a house on fire, finding common ground regarding Autism and love of dogs, leaving your old blogger to eat in silence which really helps with the breathlessness. After that the question of the so-called pandemic is aired and both agree it's a fraud and crime against humanity. As it happens, many folks are realising the truth lately and resisting the tyranny.

Catching up on U.K.Column News on replay only confirms what's going on as The Great Reset gets into gear with new dodgy vaccines on offer, Johnson heading for the door, Sunak standing by to be next P.M. ... and so the game plays on.

Tomorrow is Saturday and a possible outing. Let's see.  No visitors expected anyway, which is a blessing sometimes!

Good night dear long suffering readers, I trust you are enjoying reading as much as your decrepit blogger enjoys writing it.

Thursday, 3 February 2022

03.02.22 Thursday flurry

Fine weather again in Stanhope in Weardale, where your old blogger continues to be philosophical about the current crisis swirling around the cosmos. After all, dear reader, this whole Camino de Santiago de Compostela adventure over several years was, in retrospect, simply a personal version of the chaos at all levels, in order to experience it and offer energy to the Light side which is Divine Love in the end.

Before lunch Lee and Martin came to pick up the oxygenation machine for a friend in the RVI covid ward who his wife wanted to him home for his safety. Then Gillian came for lunch which she made for herself and your rather ailing old blogger. She stayed quite a while discussing philosophy,  including the first paragraph of today's blog Thursday Flurry, which turned rather prescient what with one thing and the other. For example Viz magazine finally arrived, which wanted reading for its penetrating satire and toilet humour, but U.K.Column News wanted watching on replay from yesterday. By the way, both are known to speak Truth to power and neither were finished today!

After all this the friend from the village arrived early after her stint of dog sitting for her daughter. After supper we settled down to watch the third and final part of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, where the light side triumphs over the forces of darkness, as it must as we well know dear readers.

Tomorrow Michelle from the Hexham Tribe is expected for lunch, plus the elder daughter, coming over a little later since she has business close by. U.K.Column News is on, Viz to read, so another busy day.

Well dear readers that's it for today.

Good night!

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

02.02.22 Wednesday wondering

Good morning dear readers! Numerologists amongst you may note a symmetry with the date today. Such thought forms have been known in esoteric circles for centuries. It's the power of the mind, essentially, whereby humans gather in groups agreeing a version of reality and promototing that as truth. Seek and ye shall find in other words. Now, in ancient times this notion worked fine, though clearly freedom of thought was not acceptable to vested interests, like certain religions and states protecting jealously their own versions of truth and reality. Hence the headline for today about wondering Wednesday!

Now thought forms are not confined to groups obviously, after all which individual do you know who doesnt dream alone in bed, creating their realities as they sleep? This may result in nightmares or beautiful new worlds and anything in between. It all seems Real at the time, and when we awaken so often the dream is forgotten and we crack on with the World in which we find ourselves!  This state is known as "Normal" or worse still "New Normal" according to the Dark side. But that's also illusion of course dear readers, yin yang as the immortal Dao taught. We see our worlds though the opposites e.g. how could we know good without bad, right without wrong or left. black without white, cat without dog and so ad infinitum!

Meanwhile, back in the mundane world, an appointment for an echocardiogram goes seamlessly with Edward aged just 30 performing the procedure and the friend from the village, a retired nurse, driving there and back, finding a wheelchair and pushing it and the invalid old blogger through the corridors and asking Edward questions about what was happening on the screen. After this we drove to Broom Mill Farm Shop for home made cakes, some for her grandchildren, Daugher and Son-in-Law, and some  for us ... which made for a pleasant outing all round.

Back at home in The Retreat House, a simple supper was prepared before the Tollkien film in three parts. This was number two, where a battle for Freedom moves to Eissengard before Mordor. This is the one where the trees come to the rescue just as the forces of good are about to give up. Imagine tomorrow's  final film if you can.

Anyway, tomorrow Gillian, the Angel of Stanhope comes for lunch and more deep philosopy about the nature of reality and who's religion is best!

Well, that's it for today dear wondering readers, I do hope you're still enjoying these stories. Frankly, they amuse me, and if they amuse you too, so much the better!

Good night ...

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

01.02.22 Imbolc!

In Pagan systems the seasons are marked by Nature, not contrived calendars like the current one requiring a Leap Year every four years. As it happens Imbolc marks February 1st at Findhorn, a wonderful place set up sixty years ago, based on visions from Eileen Caddy, implemented by Peter her husband, supported by Dorothy MacLean, the last surviving founder, a Canadian, who passed over shortly after her 100th birthday quite recently. Meanwhile in China, it's the New Lunar Year. the Year of the Tiger, what that signifies you'll need to research for yourself!

Of course the Caddys were Rosicrucians, a branch of Freemasonry and Christianity serving the Light with their symbol of the Rosy Cross balancing the Dark which many Christians observe in the corrupt form of Masonry as seen with the Vicar of Wolsingham taking the Carol service one Christmas at Stanhope Lodge much to the disgust of Sue Kent, deceased Vicar of Stanhope!

Tonight's film show was Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, first part, and Tolkien was another mystical Christian trying to use language and images to describe  the world in which we live, starting with Christianity, another error since how on Earth can we describe our world starting with a particular religion on which to start? Karl Marx had another perspective based on class struggle and he was a philosopher not keen on notions of God or any religion, but he did have a mystical view albeit atheistic.

Tomorrow there's an appointment at Bishop Auckland hospital for an Echocardiogram to check for heart problems, which indeed were a genetic risk since Mum and Dad both had heart problems which hastened their passing some years ago in Bournemouth Hospital. Anyway, let's see shall we, since the NHS is still looking for the causes of these pesky little blood clots, they might as well see what's going on with the heart. Anyway, it's a nice trip out in the afternoon and maybe an opportunity for some shopping at Sainsburys at Tindale or Asda or Morrisons nearby.

Well that's Imbolc almost done dear readers, and a lovely sunny day in Stanhope with a brisk breeze to dry the laundry, not to mention eggy bread for supper and blackberry and apple crumble for dessert, all thanks to the friend from the village.

Happy Imbolc and good night!