Thursday, 24 February 2022

24.02.22.-26.02.22 More Convergence

Now then where on Earth was this blog from? It seems like ages, but  it can only be days since it  was written. That's the Nature of Time itself of course. A fabrication to stretch time so that human beings may experience the illusion!

Yesterday the 25th, there was lots of action as wheels turned and put in motion by friends and friends of friends, not to mention folks with responsibiliies, never much embraced  by your blogger before! Having reviewed the information on this blog it appears the crisis with the dear old NHS began not long after Christmas!

This seems unbelievable frankly since so much water has flowed under the bridge in that short time.And more to come before the trip to Findhorn in a month or less. Before then some recuperation is required and organisation of support for the desired bungalow in Stanhope, which is forthcoming via Adrienne a close friend of the retired nurse supporting the poorly old blogger and others like the GP tasked with supporting folks in achieving their goals to live in Stanhope.

Since some folks get twitchy awaiting the information found in the blog, this is a first draft and there may be more to follow later. Or maybe not!

Anyway dear reader please enjoy this ... take care !

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