An interesting development this morning after musing yesterday about National Trust .. . today lying in bed thinking about the travails of Life, thinking about rising to start the day at 5.30 a.m. and pondering deep questions, snoozing until gone 10am. tottering downstairs to find the kind friend from the village patiently waiting with blood thinning pill and strong coffee to fire the engine ... still, the extra rest was helpful indeed in the circumstances as was the toast with butter and marmite for breakfast ... it was decided to call the NHS surgery to ask about the report about the treatment prescribed to address the travails of the once fit old blogger now struggling for breath!
Now, this led to the visit of a community paramedic, Ian, who came last time ... a very compassionate human being with a sense of humour who offered alternative scenarios for treatment including a return to Dryburn Hospital for a chest xray tomorrow between 9 and 4.30. which works well for the blogger and the kind friend from the village, since at elevenses coffee may be purchased plus chocolate croissants as a bonus.
Well, that's all in hand thanks to the expertise of the kind friend from the village, also retired nurse, who arranges the preferred scenario without any problem and now is cooking a healthy and nutritious supper to boost the immune system. That's what good friends are for, some might say, but certainly not this one. Gratitude always helps when a friend's experiencing travails, defined as painful or laborious, well, there is no pain except mental pain, but the breathing is very laborious indeed!
After supper is Downton Abbey numbers 3 and 4, as hierarchies persist but not without Women's Lib beginning to infiltrate the normal order, aristocrats and working-class women joining together in a spirit of equality for all. This shook the men up a bit, though many men came on board too. The world was changing as it must from time to time, or else it stagnated. Bringing us seamlessly to Hugh Everett and his theory of an infinity of worlds whereby at each critical moment where we choose our Reality, the "us" splits and creates "us" still at the centre of our Universe, with the key players from before playing similar roles ...and vice versa! These days Hugh Everett is long dead and buried and his theory persists as "The Many Worlds Theory", which is crazy enough ...
Time for bed now, tomorrow is xray day to check respiratory function and see what on earth is causing the little blood clots to clot and how long the travails might persist ... Ian the kind paramedic estimates a few weeks to a month, which is acceptable to your old blogger and his kind friend from the village ...
Good night dear readers, sleep peacefully. ...
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