Saturday, 5 February 2022

05.02.22 Saturday Serenity

Light rain today freshens up the fields to feed the Spring lambs gaily gamboling  around having fun with friends, and why not? It's a short life but a happy one, and it's pointless  anthropomorphising other mammals, though to be honest dear readers your blogger's not keen on munching lamb, mutton, beef, veal, pork, chicken or any warm blooded creature, though the body demands fish occasionally. That's the joy of declining labels or judgement about food preferences. Personally. being a "Vague'un" seem best. The defintion? It's quite simple really: Judge not, but do your best to honour your body as your temple; if some cake or chocolate lifts your mood, eat a little, why not? If eating warm blooded creatures offends you, try to avoid it,  anyway it won't kill you if you do, and organic usually covers compassionate rearing and a swift despatch ... we humans seem to thrive on divide and rule though that's a big trap to be avoided. Unite and Fight maybe?

Rain persists, outing resisted, no visitors means serenity for your blogger and kind friend taking care of him in his current crisis. After salmon supper it's film night again, why not? Tonight's choice, after yesterday's break from Lord of the Rings, is Tawai, with Bruce Parry, finding spiritual depth from visiting groups still practising hunter gathering, and Sadhhus at the Mela at the confluence of the Ganges, a holy place for Hindus. Iain MacGillchrist contributes on The Divided Brain, a book he wrote before The Master and His Emissary and the latest The Matter Wih Things.

Tomorrow looks fun as Marta comes for lunch with her two sons, meaning five humans, two women, two boys and one old bloke looking forward to a rest from today's serenity and some entertainment plus the chance for Marta to meet the kind friend for the first time.

Life's never dull at The Retreat House in Stanhope, is it?!

Good night!

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