Sunday, 6 February 2022

06.02.22 Sunday Sleeting

Sunday starts sunny, though sleet is forecast for later.Which is to re-iterate yesterday's posting about February in the North Pennines of England and lambing storms, whilst new bulbs appear and budding trees.

Meanwhile on the food front, duck eggs are on the menu for lunch in a cheese and tomato omelette, which is highly nutritious for human beings, albeit not ethically acceptable for vegans. That's human beings for you, having opinions about all sorts of issues, even though they are omnivorous by Nature. It just looks like more divide and rule to this sceptical blogger. Dear vegan readers, may I ask if you and your family were starving how vegan would you be then? And yes, this blogging sceptic does have vegan friends!

Now, all this emphasis on food assumes a body incarnate, which is how human beings appear, though once transcendent they have no need of a body or food, therefore more than human. Meanwhile in Plum Village, Thay, now passed, proposed a sangha meditating at the same frequency would become a superorganism ... and why not? Many systems of organising humans have been tested over time, so why not this? Visiting Plum Village some years ago, it was very tempting to take the robes, shave the head and sign up for the duration, but there was resistance since the mind was set on the Camino de Santiago via the coast, so rather reluctantly that option won out. Of course as with all options chosen throughout each life, one is not to know where the other options led! There is a theory of Many Worlds proposed by Hugh Everett, a student working his PhD, that the microcosm and macrocosm could be united theoretically if Infinity was permitted in the equation. This was far too crazy for mainstream physics at the time, so Wheeler, his supervisor advised him to replace "infinity" with "many", thus The Many Worlds Theory of today! This did not please Hugh at all, and he threw in the towel and went to work at the Pentagon instead.  However Hugh was always unstable and an alcoholic and committed suicide young.

Film night this evening was The King's Speech with the stammering King George V1 replacing his brother George V, who abdicated after marrying Wallace Simpson a divorcee both of whom were supporters of Adolf Hitler.

Tomorrow no visitors are expected, but you never know. Meanwhile the clot busters continue to thin the blood, which is helpful.

Good night dear readers!

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