Wednesday, 2 February 2022

02.02.22 Wednesday wondering

Good morning dear readers! Numerologists amongst you may note a symmetry with the date today. Such thought forms have been known in esoteric circles for centuries. It's the power of the mind, essentially, whereby humans gather in groups agreeing a version of reality and promototing that as truth. Seek and ye shall find in other words. Now, in ancient times this notion worked fine, though clearly freedom of thought was not acceptable to vested interests, like certain religions and states protecting jealously their own versions of truth and reality. Hence the headline for today about wondering Wednesday!

Now thought forms are not confined to groups obviously, after all which individual do you know who doesnt dream alone in bed, creating their realities as they sleep? This may result in nightmares or beautiful new worlds and anything in between. It all seems Real at the time, and when we awaken so often the dream is forgotten and we crack on with the World in which we find ourselves!  This state is known as "Normal" or worse still "New Normal" according to the Dark side. But that's also illusion of course dear readers, yin yang as the immortal Dao taught. We see our worlds though the opposites e.g. how could we know good without bad, right without wrong or left. black without white, cat without dog and so ad infinitum!

Meanwhile, back in the mundane world, an appointment for an echocardiogram goes seamlessly with Edward aged just 30 performing the procedure and the friend from the village, a retired nurse, driving there and back, finding a wheelchair and pushing it and the invalid old blogger through the corridors and asking Edward questions about what was happening on the screen. After this we drove to Broom Mill Farm Shop for home made cakes, some for her grandchildren, Daugher and Son-in-Law, and some  for us ... which made for a pleasant outing all round.

Back at home in The Retreat House, a simple supper was prepared before the Tollkien film in three parts. This was number two, where a battle for Freedom moves to Eissengard before Mordor. This is the one where the trees come to the rescue just as the forces of good are about to give up. Imagine tomorrow's  final film if you can.

Anyway, tomorrow Gillian, the Angel of Stanhope comes for lunch and more deep philosopy about the nature of reality and who's religion is best!

Well, that's it for today dear wondering readers, I do hope you're still enjoying these stories. Frankly, they amuse me, and if they amuse you too, so much the better!

Good night ...

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