Friday, 5 November 2021

Beyond shame

How an Earth is it possible for a retired individual to wake up early each day with only one or two optional events in the diary, sometimes none at all, after sufficient sleeping to regenerate the body cells, and dreamtime to examine the brain cells for signs of senility and dark secrets buried in psyche, maybe karmically, and feel energised and ready for the blessing of yet another bonus day, since the allotted three score years and ten, was attained nearly a year ago ...?

Frankly, writing this rambling prose, plus other stories on more public social media and comments on the stories of others, keeps the brain cells alert and regenerated, since neurogenesis says the best way to avoid Alzheimer's is to stay curious ... and the best way to avoid disease anywhere in the system of human beings is to exercise frequently, eat natural foods sparingly, strip out toxic thoughts by slowing them down, examining each one for any residual value, and discarding any insulting the soul. Of course that was the reason for starting this blog, and the escape from household life to try Freedom From the Known for a while, which indeed reprogrammed the mind by a process of simplification, solitude, awareness and acceptance, starting with me, me, me and arriving close to I Am, which was Liberation from the burden of false ego, and allowing the possibility of transcending even the illusion of individual entities, in stages towards Unity Consciousness, as taught by countless mystics ...

As for shame, well that's part of the whole movement leaving victims of the Once True Faith, consumed with existential guilt, thanks to that system, or cult, brainwashing its adherents to find behaviours perfectly normal to well balanced humans, not to mention other mammals, to be shameful, disgusting and unmentionable, when thinking of the private parts of the amazing body in all its glory ...

Following the Three Women, yesterday, today let's look at the Patriarchy, holding sway for far too long, certainly millennia. A cosmic rebalancing is arriving in the midst of the current crisis or chaos as the Plutocrats, Luciferians, thrash about in despair and The Divine Woman steps forward as the new archetype ... not to infer that it's duality to divide and rule forever, obviously, since many powerful women have allied with the Patriarchy and are seen today, not least Jacinta in New Zealand, acolyte of Blair the War Criminal, whose weird grip on power is slipping as the Kiwis March for Freedom at last. Likewise, Men are always welcomed by the Women taking their power, but not in a leading role please! Look around where you live, do you see these strong women in power in your community! That's been the case for a long time, and thankfully they're not burnt as witches these days ...

Read between the lies in the mainstream this weekend ... what do you see in the headlines? What, Boris in disgrace? Politicians corrupt? Even Cressida Dick, top cop at Scotland Yard and well know graduate of the Common Purpose Cult, is under fire, whilst the Once True Faith falls into a schism with Pope Francis outed as a Luciferian by Archbishop Vigano, demanding his head in the name of God ... yep, there's that bloke again, when will we learn that All is Divine, and the Divine is in All? Call it Pantheism if you like, since we humans love to name things, and many priests, by the way, were tortured by the Inquisition and burnt alive for their heresy, Giordano Bruno for one, and the fairy tales like the Garden of Eden and Original Sin merely metaphors for simple folks unable to grasp the immensity of Reality, and the superpower of each human being realising it ! Beyond all that lies the possibility of Adam and Eve to become One, then on up to groups of folks vibrating at the same frequency evolving into superorganisms, as proposed by Thay at Plum Village and seen in action some years ago by this retired individual, seeking spiritual teachings en route to another Camino de Santiago de Compostela, this time via the coast ...

Dawn is arriving and cloud is forecast with some rain later too, let's see shall we, a walk is a certainty, maybe a visit to a dear friend in the village, some shopping, mushrooms maybe, apples to wrap ... perhaps a surprise visitor later, who knows? Living in the quantum times of impermanence and uncertainty, the Age of Aquarius, the New Earth, is quite exciting ... what do you think, dear reader?

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