Sunday, 28 November 2021

Electric power ...

Storm Arwen wreaked havoc around the country as high winds led to power cuts and cold weather compounded the feeling that the drive for reliance on electricity was rather limited, to say the least. Gas is piped in to many many dwellings, but gaslights are hardly seen and coal and wood fires banned in cities due to pollution.

The havoc wreaking continued yesterday, the aftermath of the high winds, and snow was lying freezing on fields, roads and pavements, but that's Global Cooling and some say a mini Ice Age and certainly not normal fluctuation of climate changes, since the leaders of the free world decreed Global Warming was the topic at COP, and if St Greta says so, then who knows what's going on!

Back to Reality in Stanhope and the issues with shops, the road over to Hexham via Edmundbyers, is swifter by taking a risk, but not if the road's blocked, when it's safer to go round. All was well until the digger was spotted clearing the snow, but only took a few minutes and the road to Hexham was open Arriving at The Bandstand early, only your blogger was there, until more arrived to discuss electrity cuts and water off, not to mention the Nature of Reality which was discussed there and in the Abbey Tearooms later, where there was electricity and water for our large group to have coffee and cake.

Now that was late November, now it's early December, with  Solar Eclipse due tomorrow, Saturday 4th, as Christmas craft fairs get in full swing, in Stanhope and Hexham, and The Garden Station Sunday after the Stand in the Park, for gifts, tea and cakes ...

Not being a Christian as such, and frankly not being keen on the hypocrisy I saw at school, I generally skip Christmas and often went to warmer countries like Spain and Portugal, where the vitD is stronger ... of course the fascist dictatorships in those countries were as bad as the one here, so the Camino can wait until the plot is exposed. Not long now ... basically when humans stop complying with orders, love wins of course ...

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