Monday, 8 November 2021

Brain Washing - why not?

The topic for the week, being Tuesday 9.11.21, at least when this post was commenced just before 7 am Greenwich Mean Time if you wish to accept the illusion of linear time as reality, and why not? Most people in so-called civilised countries surely do just that, an error of scientism perhaps, where so-called scientists thought they were gods and could prove anything given time and measuring instruments sufficiently powerful, but not the weakness of human beings in general, which is avarice and the tendency for corruption.

Human beings are anatomically related to other species, which seems clear enough by visiting any zoo, or spending time in the company of dogs, cats, sheep, cows, horses and other warm blooded creatures with skeletons supporting meat, gristle, muscle, veins, arteries and other tubes ,electric wires to fire up the organism and a skull at the top with radio transmitter/receiver of such complexity that human beings whose work is examining the brain are still struggling to comprehend it. For example, your blogger, dear reader, is vaguely aware of this organ in the head, but has never actually seen it, nor images of it, since the only xrays of his organism he's seen are the feet from his time as a child, when shoe shops offered photos of the bones inside to ascertain the size of shoes required. Having on older brother with feet, meant often his shoes were still in good enough condition to allow his brother to wear them, thus saving the problem of softening the leather, not to mention the expense of constantly buying new shoes. Teeth and associated parts of the skull were observed too, but not actually the brain, though other humans have in the search for a thought or the Soul, neither of which have been clearly identified.

Now, cows and bulls have skins holding the body together, so that all the bits and pieces didn't all fall out, and various parts of the inside provided the humans with breakfast, dinner and supper, plus snacks if you were hungry between meals. Other animals are useful to humans in this way too, except for vegetarian types, who weren't keen to eat meat, but that was unusual in those days, though Adolf Hitler was known to prefer vegetables and probably didn't like to kill living creatures so that he could survive. Actually, in some cultures, humans were known to eat meat from other humans, and why not? As long as the other human was dead already, why waste the food, and if the deceased was young and healthy a barbecue was a great way to celebrate victory in battle, whichever side of the fight the dead human was on.

Anyway, dear reader, since by definition you're reading this rubbish, you're already a step ahead of many humans and all other species, as far as we know, though if you have actually seen a cow, bull, sheep or even chimpanzee reading a book, please do get in touch and doctors in white coats will pop over and offer you an injection to help you return to optimal mental health. If this sounds strange to you, my friend, let me assure you these humans are exceedingly strange, and the radio/transmitter receivers in their heads are capable of all sorts of weird behaviours unique to the species, though some humans say men and women are actually a separate species, which is plausible. Adolf, by the way, claimed that human beings were divided into different species too, along with many others, including the ancestors of most humans throughout history, who thought that people like them must be superior to people not like them, which is one the weirdest things about human beings this specimen, dear reader, can imagine ... which, obviously, may only be a lack of imagination on the part of the old blogger writing this shite ...

Well, well, none of this rumination has solved the problems of human beings, has it? Many humans of many different races, religions, genders, intelligence, wisdom, or any of the Words, which by the way, are never the actuality, but just an attempt to point towards something or other ... for example, take a bull in a field full of cows whom he wishes to fertilise by jumping on their backs, when a human being walking by observes the scene. The bull's response, verbally, may indicate to the human that it may be wise to run away as fast as possible before the horny bull's horn gores him, which is never nice, even for an innocent Anthropologist. Strange to relate, many humans from Spain like to sit in stadia watching grown men taunt a bull until it gets cross enough to try to gore one or more of the brave/stupid/cruel matadors or toreadors and kill him. The horse, by the way, is often gored also, and the bull rarely wins, since the game is rigged to ensure maximum fun for the spectators, and minimum injury to the actors. And if you think this story is made up, dear reader, let me describe the scene seen on Camino one day in Estremadura, after a bullfight. The local humans were eating a barbecued bull, with red wine to wash the meat down. After, all, why waste the fresh meat?

That's life concentrated walking the Camino folks, why not try for yourself? The only ambition lurking in the mind of the old blogger is to put in a month or two wandering towards Santiago de Compostela and on to see Fatima at La Espiral Hostel in Fisterra, the end of the earth, and Sun setting in the West again ... maybe in ten years time?

Now it's Wednesday 10.11.21 meaning 11.11 tomorrow, auspicious in numerology they say.

Today it's time for breakfast and a short walk to see if Sun is thinking of rising up over in the East again, as it tends to do on this particular part of the planet. Nothing else planned, which means an empty space to be filled ... that's a way to brainwash yourself you know ... wash it all out regularly, remove all the shite, see what's left, and fill the rest from the imagination! Clearly, logic and common sense tells us that filling that brain or mind with nasty thoughts is bound to make your life nasty, whilst if it's peace and love you seek, well open your eyes dear readers, how hard can it be?

Just wash out the grime, be kind to all you meet, humans, cows, bulls, birds, bees, trees ... not forgetting your self of course ... and see your Life change before your eyes!

Magic indeed ...

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