Sunday, 14 November 2021


Sunday 14.11.21 was a day full of remembering this year, being the nearest Sunday to 11.11.1918 when the carnage came to an end officially and a tall story was put about that War as a concept was banned for evermore. Optimistic perhaps? Never mind, what's the point of complaining about events unfolding in unexpected ways? Yesterday, at Sele Park, Hexham, there was all sorts going on when this writer of tall stories arrived early celebrate the birthdate of the Heir to the Throne of this Disunited Kingdom, whose current Monarch is rumoured to be making way for Charlie soon, so he can finally have his turn at entertaining the tourists, especially the Yanks, who just love to see what they missed when they hooked our Monarch out and went Republican some decades before.

Bonny Prince Charlie, of course, has a dark side, though it's thought that it was his Dad who commissioned the event that left Prince William and Prince Harry grieving for their beautiful and vulnerable Mother, brought in to shake up the genes of the Saxe Coburgs, and betrayed by Charlie since the woman he always loved was the Lady in Waiting, serving him in many ways, including replacing the love of his Mother, since blue bloods are not known to express fond emotions, due to a missing gene leaving the Saxe Coburgs basically psychopaths.

Meanwhile, back in Hexham, the road was closed and a band was playing God Save the Queen as your blogger arrived with a bag full of Blewitts to share with any Resistance friends willing to risk eating them. That bag was soon empty and reports of any adverse effects are awaited. The band was not playing in the Bandstand however, because a huge artillery gun was being prepared by a team of soldiers ready to fire big bangs to mark the start and finish of the two minutes of silence observed religiously by everyone except small children, who were chastised by their harassed Mother, but no-one else of course. Resistance folks gathered near the bandstand, not to protest but pay respects to the memory of the boys who came home to their Mothers in boxes with medals on them, hence the vow: Never Again!

Many wars later, with many boys and girls coming home in boxes, Officers and other Armed Forces proudly display medals on their chests all round Hexham, to show us how lucky they were to still be alive, having survived holidays in War-torn countries invaded by guess who? Yes, that's us again folks and mostly oil we're after. Scorpion Tanks rely on it, like most vehicles bringing peace to the world. Scorpions astrological have reputations rather dark, some say, though that's not a system followed here at Wear and Dao currently ... though it's vital to stay open to all possibilities including cosmicological! Scorpions have a sting in their tails, so do try not to to step on one ...

Facebook, most pervasive and persuasive addiction know to humans, has its own way of hooking us in, not least by Happy Birthdaying its customers, which puts each one of us at the centre of attention once a year ... and don't blame Zuck, by the way,  he doesn't give a ... thought to us, as long as his shareholders are happy.

Today, Daisy is ready for a full day driving to Scotland to see elder daughter for lunch and walks, and home later, because daughters deserve all the attention they want, from an old father of three score years, plus one ...

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