Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Parallel Worlds

Having raised the topic of brainwashing, let's now examine the current situation, where ordinary human beings, with the same basic conditioning culturally, family, friends, religions or none, appear to be at loggerheads, dividing into two discrete camps. Basically, both camps are 100% right, which is rather a problem at many levels. Some are so sure they're right that they make enemies of friends, which is barmy. For example, I choose to trust my immune system to keep me healthy and decline the opportunities to risk vaccine injuries, whilst many friends take the risk because they want to travel abroad or think the drug they're taking is actually good for them. Some have changed their minds since landing in hospital with strokes, others continue to deny the bleedin' obvious, because The Guardian said they're safe, and they can't bear to be wrong.

Yes, clearly my flag is nailed up to the mast, and it's not really clear how it happened that the brainwashing of this old blogger was so different to that of my old friend from Red Flag times in London at the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius, when we both worked ardently to train the working class at Chalk Farm Bus Garage for the Socialist Revolution we espoused. Fond memories of those pastimes are obviously processed through complex computer programmes, impossible to describe but I'll try anyway ... and please bear in mind that both he and I are self-confident males today and were then, as far as I remember. In fact we might say that the core trouble makers were four reds of different shades, leaving aside for now the pink socialists who considered the Labour Party worth supporting. Lenin said: The British Bourgeoisie lets power go from one hand, only to catch it with the other! Whilst all four found Marx and Engels to our taste, but the team split ideologically on the question of Stalin and Trotsky. Now Stalin won that battle and commissioned the murder of Trotsky in Mexico, where he was hiding out in case he got an axe through his head, which indeed he did. All of which was cause for dissension in the Harmood Arms where we went for a pint or more after the weekly Trade Union meetings which we four attended, in order to vote for industrial actions and any other business, like which method we might employ that week. Now the Chairman was Dave, who was happy to support the Branch Rep, or Shop Steward, which was yours truly for a year or three, whilst the two Trots, as we called them, or Felix and Harvey as their parents called them, plotted with the two Stalinists, or Marxist- Leninists, as we preferred to be called. Believe it or not, dear reader, we all took this game very seriously and happily collaborated in the revolutionary cause, which was only the overthrow of the British Bourgeoisie for the time being, since it was London where we operated and revolting in Great Britain was quite ambitious enough, without taking over the whole world at once, which was Trotsky's ambition.

Recently Harvey reported on his FB story, that after his booster shot, he landed in bed feeling very poorly indeed, and his old friend advised him to keep off further injections of bio-weapons if he valued his life. He lives in Wales these days, but that's no reason to top yourself, anyway he was born there, though we never called him Taffy. Felix, who later became Branch Rep, was Scots, now lives in South London, and was never called Jock. Dave is still alive in North London in the council flat he lived in then. I really don't know or care what their politics are these days, but clearly Harvey has me marked down as a member of a religious cult, which is funny, since that's the thing I've been avoiding since studying the teachings of Buddha and J. Krishnamurti !

Back to the topic, and I put my hand up to confess to my philosophical error in thinking that peace and love could be achieved through a violent revolution ... means and ends are inseparable after all, so any revolutions for me these days are in the mind, or protesting peacefully, as Martin Luther King and Gandhi taught ... what happened to them, by the way? Anyway, if peace is worth living for, it's worth dying for too ... experience taught me that. Fear of Death? Are you kidding me? Living and dying are inseparable also, and consciousness continues for sure ... at least that's the brainwash created by this little ego called self, and that's the illusion to be realised if it's Freedom we seek ... and if I wake up dead one day? Well, dear reader, logic must tell you it's win win, since this blogger is contented and has been a while ... meanwhile, the game of the humans continues ...

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