Thursday, 4 November 2021

Three Women

After yesterday's risky foray, questioning everything as philosophers are wont to do, my breath was held to see if any readers were offended by my blasphemy and delicate description of the anatomy of Eve, the first female in the Creation Myth, with Adam obviously the first human since Men are generally considered primary, and Women secondary, if not subservient in the Catholic version.

Just to be clear, and fair to God the creator of everthing, he or He, was a bloke also and his luscious grey locks didn't deceive us, nor the long frock ... it was the very long beard that did it. Not to mention the strange linguistic trick of retaining a single syllable, Man, or Male, whilst adding an extra one for Woman or Female ... no wonder some friends accuse me of thinking too much, as if philosophers should actually think less! I think not ... or as Descartes said, I think therefore I am, which was true only in the world of Isaac Newton, with humans so confused they thought that thinking proved their existence ... the Quantum World, of course, shows all is energy expanding, and entities in human form merely holograms in three dimensions, all illusion as the Buddhists taught long before the Newtonian system, before Jesus even, and the Cartesian Error was putting the cart before the horse, where the Horse stands for 5th Dimension reality, Des cartes only the 3rd. ...

Back to the topic of Three Women, and their relevance to Original Sin, and as it's important to be discreet in case of offending one or more of them, let's call them Eve German, Eve Geordie and  Eve Hart ... none, by the way, bearing the forename of Eve or Eva or even Ave Maria, but words are never the entity described, though language is structured somehow to deceive us into thinking it is, and the parents we choose, choose names pleasing them and we are perfectly free to change our identity, legally or merely by teaching associates to employ the pseudonym. Like the Popes always do, and if it's alright for them, then obviously God himself won't object, will he or He?

Now then dear reader, in case you happen to be reading these words designed by a human, being very curious about the meaning of Life in all its dimensions, perspectives, restrictions imposed by censors, including those employed by authorities who find some words offensive and dangerous to public morality and the power they love to flaunt with impunity, like Popes, for example, not to mention late Victorian narrow minded bigots who decided some aspects of Nature's Creation must be labelled Taboo, Heresy, Blasphemy and so on ... such four letter words are rarely employed on this platform, as you may have observed, dear long suffering reader! Why swear, curse or blaspheme when the point may be made more elegantly, with more syllables, sometimes scanning, rhyming or flowing poetically and leaving readers running for dictionaries to verify the definition. Frankly, it's not unknown for your pretentious blogger to make an odd error, through laziness and to create new words, why not? Then again, since Life is a School, words novel to your blogger sometimes pop up in posts describing incredible visions, which occur spectacularly at Sunset, when a few clouds mixed up with Sun offer a transcendent emotion to a lover of the miracle, an opacophile ... that's Eve Hart, by the way, unsurprisingly ... speaking of which, a lover of Sunrising is named a Heliophile, and that describes your blogger, who sometimes skips sunsets, or even the transcendent emotion of Sunrising when trying to describe the indescribable ...

Eve Geordie, meanwhile, requests sloes for her daughter to soak in booze, transforming both alcohol and fruit into delightful drinks much appreciated by friends and family ... so love goes round again and meditation is found in the slow picking of the fruit, a gift beyond measure  and the pickling and drinking is rather pleasant too! Eve Geordie landed in Weardale years ago, from Jarrow, famous for its long march to London to suggest the rich folks down there might care to share some of the profits made by greedy capitalists on the backs of the coal miners, shipbuilders, steel workers and others thrown out of work by those who appropriated the surplus value from the proletariat ... sorry, wrong guru, not that Marx, Karl ... Barbara Marx Hubbard is more to my taste these days, and she's dead now, like Karl and Fred ... leaving Eve Geordie not only a Nurse in Weardale, caring for local people with compassion, but a radical trade union leader, upsetting the bosses since bosses always need to learn how to behave themselves, and managers of the NHS especially ... these days, of course, the flagship of health was sunk by Thatcher and every Prime Minister since, to emerge instead as a lean, keen National Illness Service, infected by viral drug companies so rich their bribery was legendary, and good went bad, as happens, the time between living healthy and dying whilst technically living stretched out ... far too long ... the rest is politics and you can watch U.K. Column News for that, or BBC if you prefer brainwash ... but Eve Geordie is still loved in Weardale for her compassion, and a dear friend of this blogger too!

Eve German, the third one to message yesterday (since this blog rested awhile and today becomes Friday, not Thursday which it was ...) has not been seen in physical form, a beautiful female, for around 20 years., when she was younger  and speaking English perfectly ... at Tamera, the strange community in the Alentejo region of Portugal, rather arid, where a group of Germans and German speakers from Zeg in Berlin, found their free love philosophy rather too free for society, therefore taboo ... today you may find them by googling Tamera as I did decades ago, whilst seeking spiritual guidance eclectically, meaning beyond systems like organised religions, or cults, with Priests, Gurus or any human issuing instructions basically ... K taught that, and even there a cult emerged, and Tamera was no exception as discovered whilst spending one week there listening, learning, observing without judgement, and discerning a cult yet again ... not to mention the near death experience in the sea, one sunny Easter Sunday, drowning at Zambujeira do Mar. .. nearly! Eve German wasn't there, but she heard the story next day, for sure ... as have the poor long suffering readers of Wear and Dao ... yes, there are one or two ... no idea how many ...

Sun's shining, Autumn leaves need sweeping for leaf mould, U.K. Column News is on livestream at 1pm, an option before cleaning up the Retreat House in case Eve Hart turns up this afternoon about 4 which she may do ... nothing's certain in this world of duality, quantum reality, uncertainty principles of Heisenberg et al ... let's wait and see, shall we!

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