Thursday, 31 March 2022

April Fools Day

01.04. 22 means April Fools today, so stand by for pranks and jokes. As it happens some might say we've had two years of a joker called Boris running martial law in the U.K.! Who on Earth trusts Johnson as a safe pair of hands if it wasn't for the mass hypnotism of the state media, the Behavioural Insights team at Cabinet Office, Common Purpose etc?

Anyway that's plenty about politics dear readers,  All this yin yang leads us nowhere after all. Beyond the worlds described by their opposites lies Unity Thinking, Non-duality in other words. All the world's a stage quite literally as we know, in his time Mankind plays many parts indeed, and only Love Universal, Agape, not romantic, is devoid of opposites. Certainly hate may mask Divine Love but even haters need forgiveness of course,  since such folks are victims of their Karma, family history etc.

On the personal level for those of you keen to stay updated, your old blogger still tends to cough a lot due to the pulmonary fibrosis and so on. Never mind, miracles are being invoked daily at least so that's our best bet of getting to 80 years before passing. If you wish to say a few prayers for the author of Wear and Dao,  feel free!

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Time Speeds Up

The predicted late snow forecast by the BBC at least, was somewhat exaggerated to say the least! A damp squib best describes it. Wednesday, yesterday, saw time speeding up as a quiet day at home for both became rather hectic to say the least of it dear readers. It's been observed for a while now that notifications on FB Messenger for example have been much reduced recently and elements of events reduced as the analysis politically is much reduced leaving head space for spiritual matters. For example Klaus Schwab and his cronies and their nasty games are put on the back burner whilst vital issues are brought to the fore ...

In September this year patience is rewarded by the new bungalow for example, a joy for both carer and impatient patient. The good old NHS  having disgraced itself promoting untested so called vaccines makes up for it by pulling out all the stops to keep yours truly breathing.

All this is totally weird dear readers, as expressed ad infinitum. Previous obsessions e.g. The Great Reset led by the fascistic Klaus Schwab serving Bill Gates and the other Plutocrats, are parked up in favour of the primary reason for spending time playing human games i.e. Enlightenment as often stressed in this blog.

Today, being Thursday, arrives like Christmas at almost Easter, when Gillian, the Angel of Stanhope may arrive for philosophical discourse plus perhaps lunch or afternoon tea, though no sweet stuff in Lent, still observed in some places, so cheese scones may appear on the afternoon menu.

Last night, around 6pm, dear friends from the Retreat House arrive, next door neighbours who are interested in purchasing no. 5 and releasing cash for your decrepit old blogger, now moving to the aforementioned bungalow.  They are totally shocked at the state of yours truly and the long smoking neighbour is nagged yet again to give up the addiction for good before lung ailments leave him struggling for breath.

What a life we lead dear blog readers ... it's certainly interesting enough to lead it with sentiments of Love and Compassion thus ensuring even better lives until Ascension.  Who knows when that day will arrive dear readers?  Try Karma yourself maybe? Then the promise of Heaven arrives which is wondrous it's said, and not the Hell proposed for the misery mongers. You need some nagging of your own dear readers? Just smile and treat your world of human beings to smiles also. How hard can it be?!

Monday, 28 March 2022

Further into April

Tuesday takes us ever closer to April Fools Day on April 1st as every year. This means Friday this year and Easter falls into April, not March as some years. April 2020 sees appointments for progress in bringing the bungalow into reality not to mention a trip to Bishop Auckland Hospital for further tests, which is also progress hopefully.

Back to Monday briefly and the only essential appointment was a Zoom call at 4. When your wandering old blogger was on Camino for some years, except interludes back in Stanhope, Skype was the thing and Zoom appeared on the scene unexpectedly. Frankly dear readers your sceptical blogger never trusted zooming at all and resisted its use. However, since the caring philosopher and retired nurse was zooming on a course on Philosophy which was fascinating since it covered all the bases from Lao Tse, Plato, Socrates, Buddha, Krishnamurti, and Jesus Christ, not to mention God his Father.

Now then, regular readers will see from Wear & Dao that heresy is quite normal in the search for Truth, Love, Simplicity and Compassion and all the other indicators on the Camino, or Life School, the search to seek Enlightenment in other words. All the World's a Stage said William Shakespeare, and in his life man plays many parts pointing to Truth in another way, inferring our world is all metaphor and just stories to try to make sense of the World in which we humans find ourselves.

As Wednesday appears with snow forecast all day it's time to send your latest blog on its way dear reader. Any suggestions for future topics are very welcome as always as we explore together the Nature of Reality.

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Into April

Monday 28.03.2020 signals the seasonal shift from March to April with clocks already turned back yesterday, doubtless confusing more than a few folks celebrating Mother's Day. From memory Mother's Day was a commemoration of the archetypal Mother of compassion, in the Catholic version Mother Mary, though other religions may well have had their own special days. What is clear though is that the other mammalian species don't celebrate Mother's Day, the suckling of their babies notwithstanding.

The Mother of your blogger dear reader, surely exhibited  the features of the archetypical mother as her children will attest. She passed on some years ago and your blogger was happy to be at the passing in Bournemouth Hospital where a room had been prepared for the family who had gathered around the bed in time to say farewell. She had often said she'd had enough in her 80s, the death of her elder son in Australiia having knocked the stuffing out of her, and her heart condition could clearly pointed to the possibility of her following her husband to pass on, which our Father had done 5 years previously.

Moving on to Easter, 17.04 2020 this year, we find another Holy Day for banks,  not to mention Good Friday when Jesus Christ was crucified for causing trouble for the Roman Empire. Sunday, when he rose from the dead, however was not a Bank Holiday, but Easter Monday was, which is nice for Bank employees of course, and other unionised folks, but in these secular times shops open every day of the year, even Sundays!

And so, dear readers, as Monday becomes Tuesday, albeit early, it's time to send this message to eager subscribers to the Philosophy expressed in Wear & Dao. Make of it what you will my friends and if you find it helps you towards the Ultimate Truth, please do respond so that we may share; and if you care to say a prayer for the miracles required to assist the doctors and nurses in the recovery of yours truly, feel free to do so, and I will reciprocate!

Friday, 25 March 2022

Mother's Day Weekend

After yesterday's exciting night and day in Dryburn hospital in Durham UK, Saturday 25.03.2020 dawns revealing a whole new day of sunny weather to warm things up somewhat for those of us mobile enough to spring out of bed, which does not include your rather immobile old blogger, dear reader. That's life as viewed from the perspective of patients in Dryburn hospital, some in worse condition than your breathless old blogger on Mother's Day tomorrow, Sunday 26.03.2020.

You see, dear reader, death and dying is a mixed blessing depending on many factors philosophical, psychological, spiritual and miraculous. Saturday turned out most satisfactory with influential  visitors to assist the quest for the two bedroom bungalow near here in Stanhope principally and practically speaking, whilst the spiritual dimension was full of miracles  with invocations from increasing numbers of of folks hoĺding religious beliefs in various faiths including a friend who married a Russian who she met there, both now resident in Weardale and followers of Bom the forerunner of Buddhism in Tibet. Carol yesterday sent lucky charms to your sick old blogger, having found the story on Wear and Dao which you are reading now.

Meanwhile, today Bill and Jacqui are here for lunch and more invocations regarding the miracles to come. One such miracle was the amount of food delivered by the local take way ... if we'd finished the lot that would have been a miracle for sure! There was enough to feed an army and great quality. After eating what we could manage invocations commenced with mantras and cures for all sorts of diseases, so fingers crossed our prayers will be answered.

Now it's time for supper with leftover takeaway including lemon meringue pie! See you tomorrow, Monday 27.03.2020 dear reader, when breakfast may well consist of more leftover takeaway!

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Midweek Miracles

Midweek miracles abound throughout the week of Monday 22.03.2022 to Friday 25.03.2022 with a second emergency ambulance trip to Dryburn  Hospital in Durham; as last time the ambulance arrived about 3 am as the NHS went into action with blood testing and wires keeping an eye on the situation, which is reassuring and disturbing equally!

Having assured my worried daughters and equally worried retired nurse currently keeping your sick blogger fitter and healthier, the news at 3pm from the consultants that further tests, more wires, more tubes to canulise and so on, and that an inpatient stay for your impatient patient was essential. Let's just say we disagreed and leave it that shall we dear reader?

Meanwhile, in other news dear readers, Dawn a dear friend visited last Saturday with her teenage son, Jake, plus cake, though no main course on this occasion. Last time she came for lunch with Debs, a very close friend and frankly Resistance, as are most visitors these days.

The two daughters of the old blogger expressed concern on Thursday 24th, the elder daughter who celebrated her birthday on the same day was asked to affirm she was next of kin! She took it all in her stride cheerfully as does the younger one, having been taught to fear nothing especially death, since it's madness to believe any of us can dodge the bullet and we can never live fully fearing to die in bodily form, however  miracles surely exist and consciousness goes on and on.

Good night for now dear readers, please put in a prayer for this old blogger along with any others you care to pray for tonight.

Monday, 21 March 2022

Miracles on Monday

Hmmmm! Let's see shall we dear readers?  How swiftly Monday 21.03. 2022 to  morphes into Tuesday 22.03.2022 and our worlds defy linear time as our bodies age almost imperceptibly and awareness of impending death and serious illness brings the time required for nostalgia and examining the life led to reflect on issues to correct before karma kick us in the arse, bringing worse outcomes in the next life instead of the better world we desire.

Since today, Tuesday is not quite finished and there's not much to report it seemed wiser to avoid morphing into Wednesday, disappointing regular bold readers like you, dear readers of Wear and Dao!

Weekend Update

Let's keep this post brief dear readers, since the weekend has become Monday already and a report was promised about the events of yesterday i.e. Sunday 20.03.2020 so here we go!

The morning was spent by the friend from the village, retired nurse and currently carer and host, preparing a delicious, nutritious buffet for Bill and the two Daughters. The old blogging philosopher meanwhile was reading the current favourite book: Bucket to Greece  by VD Ducket, a light and amusing series of books about life in Greece.

The guests duly arrived and the hosts engaged in conversation about issues of concern, philosophy, miracles and more, after which the guests departed and the carer, chef and nurse sat down to watch a Netflix version of Gerald Durrell's book: My Family and Other Animals.

Deep sleep ensued and here we are again ... Monday morning when the new week commences not to mention the next blog.

Friday, 18 March 2022


Hands up if you believe in Miracles dear readers.Let's check the dictionary definition shall we? Definition 1:  an event contrary to the laws of nature and attributed to a supernatural cause. 2:  an amazing or wonderful event. 3: a marvellous example of something.

So, dear credulous blog readers, which definition do you prefer?  1, 2, 3 or maybe your own! Clearly definition 1 is top of the list dear readers, not least since a miracle is required to repair the damaged lungs! Many well-wishing friends are hard at work praying for the sick old blogger.

As for the weekend, Saturday 19.03.2002 sees Dawn and Jake arrive for coffee plus prayers for the miracle we all wish to see. Sunday 20.03.2002 is today, when the Daughters arrive praying for divine intervention and Bill joins the party for lunch bringing his own desire for healing.

Since this blog praying for miracles is being written early, dear readers, you can see further news later. Meanwhile please feel free to put in a word or two of three of prayer for the miracle to appear in time for Elder Daughter's birthday next week.

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Let's Keep it Light!

From comments received as requested, our topic or theme is to Keep it Light, and what on Earth does that infer dear sceptical blog readers?  Well, the first inference could be to literally flick the switch when it becomes dark, which is frankly absurd! However, if we add a spiritual dimension we may infer that evil requires goodness or the Light needs to to be switched on in order to dispel the darkness, which is better.

Before all that, dear readers, we need to correct  some omissions, not just the typos either but the lack of detail for example about the cancellation of the Findhorn trip and lack of clarity about the shift from the Retreat House to the current abode where the kind friend from the village offered her downstairs bathroom and a home, which was and is kindness personified.

The comments section regarding future blog titles remains open by the way. Miracles has already been proposed as a suitable topic, so feel free to offer others dear participating blog readers.

Moving on from yesterday, Thursday 17.03.2022 to today Friday 18.03.2022 a fresh new morning begins early as your coffee loving blogger eagerly awaits the first hit of the day, prepared by the solicitous nurse, carer and kind friend from the village who sleeps upstairs leaving your blogger to sleep on the bed specially designed to support  the needs of yours truly.

Before abandoning Thursday completely, last night's Netflix offer deserves a mention. The story is based in North Wales where two surveyors arrive from England to measure the nearby high hill known locally as a mountain. When it becomes clear to the local yokels that the surveyors will define the suspect high hill as a mountain only if they decide the height reaches 1,000 feet. Local pride is piqued and the fun begins as the initial measurement indicates a hill, so the community sets to an attempts to elevate the hill by nefarious means including barrowing soil to the peak!

Friday's agenda involves the kind carer trying to facilitate the proposed move to a bungalow before meeting a friend in need of support updale whose husband is poorly in the Community Hospital. As for visitors who knows, but the weekend has many, but that's a subject for another blog.

Wednesday, 16 March 2022


Marta was raised in Poland and fell in love with Jez her English husband when he wooed and wed her in Poland. Yesterday she arrived at the sanctuary where your old blogger has retreated in search of downstairs toilet facilities in order to ameliorate the breathlessness caused by the blood clots.

Now Marta has been a resister of tyranny for quite a while, since the Poles have seen tyranny before in recent history when the Nazis invaded Poland and occupied it as the 3rd Reich sought to create an Empire, swallowing other nations in their plan to dominate the world

As a devoutly Catholic country Poland, a next door neighbour, was an early pawn on the chess board, as the National Socialists mopped up the board piece by piece, neighbour by neighbour, with France an early target. The British Empire leaders decided to put their money on France, despite pressure from Nazi sympathisers in Britain including the heir to the throne and his Nazi loving wife, not to mention Oswald Mosley.

Meanwhile, Marta's influence crosses the time barrier from yesterday Wednesday 16.03.2022 to Thursday 17.03.2022 when Gillian, the Angel of Stanhope arrives for afternoon tea and scones plus Philosopy. Naturally dear Marta is referenced since her influence is inspirational, not least after Netflix last night and the true story of the young mystic and martyr in Poland post-war as the Polish Pontiff arrives and upsets the Communists and backs Solidarity who are in the lead as the Soviet Empire starts to crumble away and Gorbachev announces Glasnost.

That's all history now of course and the Anglo-American Empire with NATO in support crumbles in turn and Russia returns to power, plus China who between them form a formidable alliance based on mineral wealth.

My word, politics eh? Let's try a more peaceful topic next shall we?

Suggestions on comments please dear blog readers!

Good night . ..

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Dealing with Change

Today's topic, dealing with change, examines once more how older people choose to adapt to the inevitable changes as we try to resist and insist all is well when it patently is not! Now this is tricky dear readers of Wear & Dao, since optimism is optimal but delusion deluded, but there you go, what can you do except smile.

Strategies are required to handle the problems thrown up by the aging population and acceptance the key. Another strategy is to have good friends, which sounds tricky but is not. Put simply kindnesss begets kindness and misery more misery so there's your choice.

The evening time here watching the hilarious Big Bang Theory with the friend from the village, retired nurse and currently  carer, sees a feeling of melancholy descend which is processed without the now repetitive and noisy film on, revealing the reasons as  they are discussed at length and depth. It appears the issue is a cumulative despair not unusual in the hours before the new day seeing optimism return and  everything possible, even coping with the breathlessness.

Over time the question arises dear readers of belief in miracles, which indeed your optimistic blogger embraces. Likewise the sometime Roman Catholic!

So, Tuesday 15.03.2022 and a time for miracles dear readers !
See you all tomorrow for further miraculous events.

Friday, 11 March 2022

Future Planning

On we  go with Philosophy dear friends of wisdom.Today's  theme is Future Planning so let's examine that shall we, in the context of futures facing old Philosophers. Clearly health plays a part, and illness too. Longevity is never fully predictable at any age, so it's best to prepare for the inevitable  and live cheerfully each day.

Now some say 71 is plenty old enough for three score years and ten, whilst others remain sprightly much older. That's how it is you see dear readers,  existential and environmental causes vie with genetics as if it must be one thing or the other.Clearly that is simplistic and cause and effect complex.

Nevertheless, dear reader, Life goes on until breathing creases, some say, whilst others find comfort in ongoing consciousness.

Meanwhile over on Netflix more spiritual messages emerge as well as amusement with films like Young Sheldon and Big Bang Theory plus a mysterious conspiracy by virtual worlds to appear to limit ones exposure to favour the beautiful new world our hearts know is possible!

Is it credible or plausible to take this seriously? Well dear credulous reader, what do you think and why? That's dialogue by the way, and advanced. Bringing  us to today's guests, Peter and Bill the Philosophers who enjoy a decent dialogue on a Sunday. Wise men for sure!

So, there you have it on Sunday March 13.. 2022 .

More blogs tomorrow maybe, but for now goodnight and sweet dreaming friends.

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Living and Dying Alone

A friend of the retired nurse tells of her dermination to die soon, having accepted the inevitable and having also received regular visits from her dead husband. This phenomenon is not as rare as one might think if a rational mind was in charge, but it's surely not in fact since the Right Hemisphere of the brain sees the world as whole while the Left Hemisphere sees details as shown by Iain McGiilchrist in his books, including The Master and His Emissary and others.

So, here we go again dear readers. More Philosophy to explore Life and its meanings on Friday the 11th of March, 2022 . Ancient Greeks and Romans are revered by many Philosophers in the west, whilst in the east it's Buddhism, Daoism, Hinduism and so on. So where shall find contemporary Philosophers bridging the gaps?

Living and Dying Alone is today's theme and it surely applies at the ripe old age of 71! The fear of such a dire fate is unthinkable dear readers., please don't entertain it for a minute.

That's it for today folks . Hopefully we'll meet again tomorrow.

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Death and Dying

Believe it or believe it not, human bodies have a habit of passing through stages from emerging from the womb, learning, maturing, breeding perhaps, then trainng the next generation and so on. This description of Shakespeare, that all the world's a stage literally employs language to sum the situation up as elegantly as anyone.

The role of language in its various forms to explain what on Earth is going on is a habit of human beings, whilst other species don't worry about explanations but just crack on with living and dying as if it was normal. To compound the question the humans then feel the need to explain other planets and how all that works, a fascinating subject for some of us.

Meanwhile, returning to the question of various languages, these include music, mathematics, and silence plus the way languages foreign to us are employed to try to explain what's going on.

Jude Currivan has a theory explaining how all is information in 2 Dimensions,  4th is space time, 5th the void not empty but full of potential,awaiting human consciousness.

Meanwhile, the previous addition from the nurse friend from the village has disappeared which is weird! Briefly she said her view was the same except for the Garden Terrace part, as new options arise of which there are many,  including sharing an accessible bungalow, which makes sense to both.

That's plenty of options for now dear readers, so we bid you goodnight!

Monday, 7 March 2022

The Tablet Returns!

Well well dear readers of Wear and Dao, apologies for the brief interlude in service. The Tablet on which this stuff is written with one finger was off duty for repairs to the screen which was smashed. It's hardly a disaster of course, though one or two regular readers seem to find it amusing to read, and the writer finds it amusing to write it since he enjoys the composing of it.

So, the process pleases a few which is well worth the effort after all's said and done don't you agree?  Famous writers of Philosophy have a wide influence and we all need to start somewhere. Take for example Margaret Attwood, author of many fine books and a mystic too. The book in question is Alias Grace , a dark tale of exploitation of women and the murder of the culpable men who frankly had it coming.

The book was well reviewed when published and thanks to Netflix was recently reviewed there too.

Moving swiftly on dear blog readers, we return to the medical issues causing the current crisis. You may recall the blood clot diagnosis plus pulmonary fibrosis and briefly pneumonia,  all somewhat dangerous to the health of the blogger who started walking the pilgrim ways and writing Wear and Dao 7 years ago fit and healthy and is now reduced to breathlessness !

To bring you up to date folks, a bungalow is next on the list. One happens to be vacant in Stanhope and the blogger's name is in the queue. Fingers crossed it happens!

There you go friends, you're up to date now.

See you in the next edition ... goodbye!

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

03.03.22 Prevarication!

Well well dear blog readers and lovers of Philosophy, you see the title of today's offering? An analysis of the purpose of this bloody blog business with the friend from the village reveals at least three scenarios. Firstly, to remind the old blogger of who he is and why. Secondly as a personal travelogue. Then there's the question of dementia as an aide memoire,to remind the demented one who he was before he lost his mind

Is that clear enough dear reader? And the title of the blog today, Prevarication? What on Earh is that all about?By definition it means to be evasiive. But to whom and why is unclear, though the blogger has no wish to offend the dear friend from the village and retired nurse  of course!

Well, let's leave it at that shall we? And move on to Netflix.

Now Netlix, for those who don't know it is rather addictive. And this, by the way may be construed as Prevarication! But really it is  not.

What's on tonight you may ask? Well let's see later after supper at six shall we?

Meanwhile feel free to guess dear reader.

That's it for now. Farewell!