Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Midweek Miracles

Midweek miracles abound throughout the week of Monday 22.03.2022 to Friday 25.03.2022 with a second emergency ambulance trip to Dryburn  Hospital in Durham; as last time the ambulance arrived about 3 am as the NHS went into action with blood testing and wires keeping an eye on the situation, which is reassuring and disturbing equally!

Having assured my worried daughters and equally worried retired nurse currently keeping your sick blogger fitter and healthier, the news at 3pm from the consultants that further tests, more wires, more tubes to canulise and so on, and that an inpatient stay for your impatient patient was essential. Let's just say we disagreed and leave it that shall we dear reader?

Meanwhile, in other news dear readers, Dawn a dear friend visited last Saturday with her teenage son, Jake, plus cake, though no main course on this occasion. Last time she came for lunch with Debs, a very close friend and frankly Resistance, as are most visitors these days.

The two daughters of the old blogger expressed concern on Thursday 24th, the elder daughter who celebrated her birthday on the same day was asked to affirm she was next of kin! She took it all in her stride cheerfully as does the younger one, having been taught to fear nothing especially death, since it's madness to believe any of us can dodge the bullet and we can never live fully fearing to die in bodily form, however  miracles surely exist and consciousness goes on and on.

Good night for now dear readers, please put in a prayer for this old blogger along with any others you care to pray for tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Sending lots positive vibes your way Steve... sandra and David
