Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Time Speeds Up

The predicted late snow forecast by the BBC at least, was somewhat exaggerated to say the least! A damp squib best describes it. Wednesday, yesterday, saw time speeding up as a quiet day at home for both became rather hectic to say the least of it dear readers. It's been observed for a while now that notifications on FB Messenger for example have been much reduced recently and elements of events reduced as the analysis politically is much reduced leaving head space for spiritual matters. For example Klaus Schwab and his cronies and their nasty games are put on the back burner whilst vital issues are brought to the fore ...

In September this year patience is rewarded by the new bungalow for example, a joy for both carer and impatient patient. The good old NHS  having disgraced itself promoting untested so called vaccines makes up for it by pulling out all the stops to keep yours truly breathing.

All this is totally weird dear readers, as expressed ad infinitum. Previous obsessions e.g. The Great Reset led by the fascistic Klaus Schwab serving Bill Gates and the other Plutocrats, are parked up in favour of the primary reason for spending time playing human games i.e. Enlightenment as often stressed in this blog.

Today, being Thursday, arrives like Christmas at almost Easter, when Gillian, the Angel of Stanhope may arrive for philosophical discourse plus perhaps lunch or afternoon tea, though no sweet stuff in Lent, still observed in some places, so cheese scones may appear on the afternoon menu.

Last night, around 6pm, dear friends from the Retreat House arrive, next door neighbours who are interested in purchasing no. 5 and releasing cash for your decrepit old blogger, now moving to the aforementioned bungalow.  They are totally shocked at the state of yours truly and the long smoking neighbour is nagged yet again to give up the addiction for good before lung ailments leave him struggling for breath.

What a life we lead dear blog readers ... it's certainly interesting enough to lead it with sentiments of Love and Compassion thus ensuring even better lives until Ascension.  Who knows when that day will arrive dear readers?  Try Karma yourself maybe? Then the promise of Heaven arrives which is wondrous it's said, and not the Hell proposed for the misery mongers. You need some nagging of your own dear readers? Just smile and treat your world of human beings to smiles also. How hard can it be?!

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